Ted Lasso is a sports-comedy series only streaming as an Apple TV+ original. Developed by Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence, Brendan Hunt, and Joe Kelly, it revolves around an American coach, Ted Lasso, called to coach a premiership football team, AFC Richmond in the United Kingdom. It documents his struggles of getting acclimatized to the new environment, new sport and new lifestyle and culture, all while going through personal hurdles. The first season of the series came out last year, comprising 10 episodes following which the second season was launched with a plan of 12 episodes. The show stars Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard, his coaching assistant and best friend, Hannah Waddington as Rebecca Welton, the owner of the club and Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent, a veteran midfielder close to retirement, who is also the captain of the team.
Right off the bat, it is simply the most entertaining and positively radiating show in a long time. Sudeikis’s Lasso owns every scene that he is in, leaving my jaws hurting from all the laughing and my heart aching from all the positivity. Lasso is going through marital problems, and is suggested to take up this job as a way of giving space to his partner. He dwells on this issue throughout the first season, while trying to make himself home with the group. Rebecca aims to take the club to its ruins as it was the most prized possession of her ex-husband, whom she wants to take revenge on. This is the reason she brings Lasso over, a coach with no knowledge of the sport, and spoil the history and name. We are also introduced to the many of the teams odd and interesting characters, their story and characteristics. We are subject to a constant and extremely entertaining humor both as dialogues and actions, motivational scenes straight out of a ‘TED’ Talk. It has on-point jokes, sometimes exaggerated but always keeps you smiling.
Season 2 of the series focuses more on its development of the story, with similar sharp hitting comedy, but provides a little depth to the characters. It is set after the club is relegated from the Premier League, and rides around their journey back to the top. With more episodes yet to air, it is expected to ooze with ever entertaining scenes and characters.
Why watch Ted Lasso?
It radiates positivity through every scene, every character and just encourages you so much that you could own the world. Lasso is the only person you need motivating you at every obstacle in your life, believing in you although he might just be a character. It carries with it not just a feel-good vibe, but feel-amazing one, and always engaging you with his words. You will only need a couple of episodes to be fully invested into the drama and intricacies of the show. If you aren’t interested, then check out some adventurous reviews of The Jungle Cruise and sci-fi thrills of Reminiscence .