5 physical exercises that keep work from home employees fit

Novel Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on our personal and professional lives of all employees. As everyone is stuck in their homes and working on their desks continuously, the fitness and immunity system is getting compromised. The work from home culture has brought several uninvited health issues, along with the feeling of comfort.

Long hours sitting on a chair and desk has resulted in backaches, pain in the wrists and neck, and unwanted fats. To control such issues, it is advised to exercise and stretch your body once every 2 hours.

This can be done when you leave your workstation for breaks to drink water, eat food, or use the washroom. All you need to do is set timely reminders to keep you away from the screens for a while and rejuvenate yourself.

Here are 5 physical exercises that keep work-from-home employees fit :

Stretching your back:

Because of non-stop sitting and working, many employees are facing backaches. The reason behind this is the gravitational pull exerted by the Earth, which causes the back pain problems. To avoid this, it is highly recommended to stand up and stretch your back for a small duration. This will reduce back pains and increase flexibility.

Stretching of wrists:

Performing a few stretches will balance the blood circulation. Typing for long hours on your laptop can cause severe pain in your hands, especially wrists. Standing up from your chair and twisting your wrists and stretching your hands can be effective to prevent such unwanted issues.

Desk push-ups:

Make sure that your desk is strong enough to bear the weight of your body. Place your hands on the desk in a way to build a grip and move your feet 1 and a half feet away from the desk. Keep your core tight and face the wall. Slowly push and pull your body with the support of your hands. Repeat 20 times to energise your body. You can also do it with the support of your wall in place of the desk.

Chair Squats:

This work-from-home exercise is like the normal squats, with a slight variation of your chair as a support. You do not have to sit on the chair as you go down. The height of the seat is a benchmark for you to squat. Repeat 10-15 times to work on your lower body.


This is the easiest of all the exercises. Keep your necessities like water and snacks in the other corner of the room. Whenever you feel a need to eat snacks and drink water, you will eventually have to stand up from your chair and fetch those. This will keep your body in movement. You can also walk while attending a call or a meeting on your phone. Remember, do not use your office chair which has wheels to move around in your home. Walk every once in a while.

It is again advised to our readers not to sit and work continuously. Besides the physical exercises, give breaks to your eyes to prevent strains and engage in your hobbies to reduce the mental pressure. Happy working-from-home.

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