7 Amazing Benefits of Using Clay Utensils

Clay pots

Do you know that 25,000 years ago our ancestors used to cook their food in clay pots i.e. clayware/earthenware itself? Throughout the time we all have shifted to other cookware’s like Brass, Bronze, steel, aluminum to name a few.

Have you ever bothered to think about why our forebears used clay pots to cook their food? We should look out for the difference in the food prepared in clayware’s and other cookware.

Clay pots are not only cheap and easily available utensils, they also provide numerous health benefits to your body. So without any further delay, let’s dive deep into the seven benefits of clay pots for cooking and try to switch to them to reap their advantages :

1. Retains nutritional value

This is one of the major benefits of clay pots for cooking. It is scientifically proven that due to the pores present in Clay pots which regulate the heat and moisture throughout the cooking process, the nutritional value of the food remains at 100%. Whereas, in other utensils like Alumminuimware, the nutritional value remains by 7- 13% only. 

2. Adds up minerals to food

Clayware owns more than 16 natural minerals which are beneficial for health and have been found deficient in a major part of the current population. These nutrients include calcium, phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, and Manganese presented in the right quantities. 

Therefore, Preparing food in clay pots will weigh up its mineral content, making your food healthiest. It also helps in the prevention of various diseases like Bronchitis, Asthma, and Cancer. 

3. Neutralizes the acidic value 

One of the health benefits of clay pots for cooking is they are of alkaline nature which leads to neutralizing the acidic value of food, Hence preventing stomach irritation or digestion-related problems. 

4. Keeps Bacteria away

During an experiment conducted in a government laboratory, it is revealed that food (lentil) cooked in a clay pot survived a 36-hour non-air-conditioned train journey on a hot day without spoiling its nutritional value. Clay is hostile to the growth of certain kinds of bacterias making its utensils a barrier to bacterias preventing them from spoiling your food. 

5. Uses less oil

Clay holds the property of natural absorbent as it absorbs the oil. After 2 – 3 uses of your clayware, Clay pots will naturally retain all its oils and moisture of food, therefore you wouldn’t require extra oil and fat to maintain the moisture in your food, promising your food to be more healthy.

6. Makes food more delicious 

You must have heard this saying by old people that lower the flame, tastier the food. The natural aroma of clay and the slow cooking process claywares take to prepare food adds up  10 times better taste in the food as compared to other cookware which is one of the great benefits of clay pots for cooking. 

7. Keeps water cool

You can store RO water in clay water bottles and due to the presence of numerous minerals in clay, they will naturally get added up in your water. The open pores of clay bottles will allow the process of evaporation, hence making the water cool genuinely and also helps you to prevent diseases like colds, cough, and sinusitis. 

Now you have seen the benefits of clay pots for cooking, you can easily determine why clayware’s were popular in ancient times. If you want your food to be healthiest and tastiest then without a second thought, switch to clay pots which are inexpensive and easily available as well! 

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