Apple cider vinegar and baking soda drink can help you burn belly fat

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda drink

Apple cider vinegar: This quarantine has made most of us not be a part of the gym and exercising world. As we all have been binge watching shows and working down from our own house and turning into couch potato’s.

How many of you have turned out lazy and need a companion in order to workout? So here is a homemade- Apple cider vinegar and baking soda drink which will help you in weight loss and burn your belly fat.

It’s a homemade drink so you don’t have to go anywhere and can be prepared at your doorstep.

The drink basically has two ingredients:

This drink helps in improving your skin and strengthening your immune systems. The need of the hour is strengthening your IMMUNE system as your immune and good immune would help you fight covid-19.

How to make the drink

Well, every drink has few disclaimers, so does this drink has

The perks of Apple cider vinegar is that it helps in boosting metabolism and reducing the fat in liver and lower belly of the body! It also helps in improving and controlling the blood sugar levels, reduces the cholesterol levels.

Baking soda helps in breaking down the fat into parts and inducing and removing them slowly from body. It helps in digestion.

So this is a simple drink which can be done and would also help as a saviour for you during this quarantine as you aren’t binded with physical exercise.

Have a safe drink day.

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