Bursting out some beauty myths with real time facts


Upturn through the pages of your most likely fashion magazine or check out a beauty blog, and you’ll bound through a ton of tips and tricks. There are a lot of them either inexact or just not working for you. Have you ever been said that dry skin can be fastened just by drinking excess water or that prinking skin means a product is working? Here are the myths and facts all about beauty for both men and women.


Myth: Individual’s age is a significant factor when shopping for skincare products.

Fact: Many of the merchandise in the market claim to be specifically designed for every age group or the mature ones (age group above 50).Before you buy any of the skincare products, ask yourself why only a mature group for over 50?

According to the logic, all the products under this category can be used by all women aged 50 and above. What you need to know here is that age is not all skin types and choosing products according to your age group is not a smart way. 

Myth: Expensive cosmetics are more reliable than inexpensive ones.

Fact: The faith is that there are good quality products in every price range. It’s all about the action of the product after use, but not the price. Spending less doesn’t harm your skin and spending more doesn’t do it any better.

Myth: Blackheads connect to dirtiness. Hence scrub them.

Fact: Blackheads may look unclean, but they are unrelated to filth.They are formed only when our body produces more sebum. Scrubbing the blackheads won’t take them off completely. It just removes the top layer, leaving the undertone to decay more. Using the BHA (salicylic acid) helps the dead skin underneath peel off and gently exfoliate the area.


Myth: Men don’t need to mist their skin, it’s oily.

Fact: Lack of moisture men secrete more oil due to which the skin pores get closed after releasing oils. This leads to more damage and hence you must drink water to stay hydrated and apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel. 

Myth: Grooming treatments are only for women.

Fact: Like women, men also have beauty treatments that enhance their looks even better than before. It isn’t all about pampering, but being healthy in all ways possible: manicure, pedicure, hair setting/ collagen treatments, body hair grooming, spa, etc.

Some interesting Myths and Facts about Feminine and Masculine Beauty:

Myth: Natural methods are more accurate than synthetic ones for better skin.

Fact: Hearing all the good in the profuse media, we jump to conclusions that only using natural products makes skin healthier, it’s not true. As there is no scientific legitimacy for that method. Just because an ingredient is plant based doesn’t make it automatically good for the skin and vice versa, just because it is artificial doesn’t make it bad.

Myth: People will ultimately outgrow acne.

Fact: The only fact is that everyone has one or the other skin problem and they are all very different. All the individuals may be bound to have acne in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even in their 50s just like the teenagers. It all depends on the person’s lifestyle, the food they eat, stress, and maintenance.

A true theory is congruent with our own experience and it fits all the facts in place. However, this is an open invitation for all our readers to go yonder thinking of all the myths and point out the truth yourself. Learning all the misconceptions and understanding the facts is one important answer for all your questions. Comparatively, a small investment of your time in knowing what myths and facts are will have a positive effect on you in a long term.

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