Garlic (Old Medicine in Modern Lifestyle)

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Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as father of medicine, prescribed GARLIC in 400 B.C. to cure leprosy, fight against infections and to ease the digestive problems.

    As days are passing by we are all stuck to allopathic treatments in this modern Life. So let’s talk about our smelly garlic, which plays an important role in curing many diseases. These garlics are often used in many cuisines for strong flavor.


1. Beneficial in digestion.

2. Useful for clearing ear aches.

3. Reduces top cholesterol levels.

4. Can reduce the high blood pressure (Hypertension).

5. Reduce the cold and cough.

6. Helps in wound infections.

7. Reduce the inflammation.

8. Good source as immunity booster.

9. Treats brain diseases.

10. Helps in weight loss.

11. Fights against cancer.


GARLIC has more medicinal properties, which is the best to add to your daily lifestyle. This is a plant, from an onion family which also contains high sulphur, when chopped and eaten raw it has super cool benefits. It is most useful as a spice to bring out the best flavor in any food. The following 

NUTRITIONAL FACTS :- (about one teaspoon of serving)

Calories – 4

Protein – 0.18 grams

Fat – 0.01 g

Carbohydrates – 0.93 g

Fiber – 0.1 g

Natural sugars – 0.03 g

Calcium – 5 milligrams

Iron – 0.05 mg 

Magnesium – 1 mg

Potassium – 11 mg 

Vitamin C – 0.1 mg

 GARLIC is a natural source of amino acids and enzymes which promote your gut health and build your muscles. Research & scientist support it in the modern Life to acknowledge the primary benefits in our daily life. The most promising research of garlic health benefits pertains to lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. While garlic has more anti- bacterial, anti-oxidant, and anti- inflammatory effects why to choose allopathy for minor health problems?

Some of the most widely studied cancer effects from garlic include colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer. It also helps the bone health in children and elderly

Grandmother recipes works as best immune booster in current lifestyle – one whole chopped garlic with adding pepper and a pinch of olive oil serves as long – standing life saver. Most of the people don’t like to eat garlic because of the pungent odor, but am sure our HEALTH IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN A TEMPORARY SMELL. So add up from today.

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