How One Can Deal With Anxiety

how to deal anxiety

Anxiety! How does it feel?

Does it make you numb, speechless, running out of words, pacing of your heart? Anxiety considered as a mental health disorder which based on constant worry, fear, uncomfortable which affect your daily life activities.

Anxiety can hit people in different ways, it can be because of the way they have been brought up, the way they have been treated in their lives, tense muscles, insomnia, dizziness, the way few incidents keep replaying in their mind from their sub-consciousness and many other factors.

Anxiety for any person doesn’t need any medical check-up to make sure that he/she is dealing with it. Everyone gets anxious on one nor the other situation, but when anxiety hits you in you’re in a deep hole of your self thoughts of constant processing the situation repeatedly.

Well, this Quarantine has been hard on most of us, sitting isolated in between the four walls watching the news and the online media where all you hear is about COVID-19 is hard and dealing with this in back of your mind is making you and your mind very anxious and pretty holed up.

But to save the world, we ought to stay home, so considering the circumstances, let us try to work on our mental state.

These following might help you stay calm and handle your own-self during this crisis, let us handle our own anxiety:-


The world best doctor’s, Therapist have been saying again and again to meditate.

Meditation calms your mind, it makes you understand more about yourself and makes you well in every activity of life.

Meditation has enormous benefits, no-one in the world ever said “DO NOT DO MEDITATION” did they? No, right? That answers all your questions. It will make your mental health stable and introspect yourself more and dive deep into yourself.

Try doing it for about 10-15 minutes a day and observe the change in yourself.


When you open up with someone you would feel a burden off your shoulder. Ever did that? Felt that?

Try talking to someone who understands you, someone you trust, someone who could help you- it could be a friend, partner, parents, cousins or even a stranger. Just open up, you’re good to go for a better life ahead.

It would make you realize you just dropped a bag full of emotion and it gives you a great relief.

HOBBY For Anxiety

Everyone holds a hobby, right?

Hobbies are something that should make you feel good when you do it, so invest time in it. Start making your hobby a major part when you’re stressed out. Try indulging more into it and exploring it more.

Your hobby should cherish you rather than making you anxious. So know your hobbies before you call it one.


Who doesn’t want a good body? To maintain, to restrain.

Working out is the best thing one can do. Since it would make you work on your body.

Let me tell you, the way your body responds to anything tells a lot of about you. When you change your body according to your mindset or your interest, it says that you’re showing interest in yourself, you’re investing time into yourself.

When you work-out a lot of stress released, maybe it ain’t visible but yes your mental state would counter that part of it.


You are you!

You cannot become someone in this life at-least!

You can expect someone to feel you every single time.

So working on yourself is the only go, How do you do that?

Well, sit down and write what all is bothering you down and eating you up. Then consider whether each issue you have listed is worth it? Is your mental health being distributed on the edge is fine?

Is your emotion being drowned worth it? Ask it for yourself and start thinking what you can do about the issue/situation.

Can you work on it? Can you make progress in it? Can you make it to the end or it is just not worth the time?

Working on yourself is the best thing you can gift yourself from this quarantine.

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