The Perfect Date (Netflix Movie) – Overview

Perfect date poster

What does this name trigger in you? Yeah! Everyone would dream a Perfect Date in life, right? Most of us plan up for our perfect date from teens to the day it comes true.

This movie is about a teen who is named BROOKS, whose dream is to get into YALE UNIVERSITY for his major. Being from a mediocre family where his mother left them for someone else, it is difficult to pool up the amount of money to get into YALE.

He dreams of life, with rich cars, best dates, rich people, partying all around, gigantic mansion houses and the best University. He works down a subway to earn extra cents. He suddenly comes across a friend who wants to find a substitute to take his cousin to her school night.

Brooks pops in order to get in more cash and to drive his luxury BMW. In this process he meets the date named Celia, who is a self-equipped person and staying right to herself. Slowly things start to accelerate between them but he ignores the signs as he is busy making money to step into YALE.

Then he comes across this idea of creating an APP called STANDIN, which would allow him to go on dates with original people like who need a guy as they do not have someone. This app cashes him a lot of money and makes him really busy in that process.

In this game of earning money, he dates his dream girl and has the time of his life. He lost friends who looked out for him. He did not have time for his own lonely father. One day, things hit him back, like he was so obsessed with getting into YALE, he never thought which subject he would choose if he walked into YALE. He notices the feelings he had for Celia were real and he was trying to outsmart his own feelings for the fame.

Things fall in place and the rest of you should go watch. You can watch this movie on netflix.

This movie teaches us that FAME, MONEY, POWER do not give you everything in life. LOVE is everything and the purest thing in the world.

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