Took the Vaccine? Know-How to Reduce the Post-COVID Jab Symptoms

Post vaccine

In recent times, amid all the trauma we had to embrace, vaccine to the novel COVID-19 virus is the only ray of hope. If you are a few of the lucky people who took the vaccine shot, congratulations on a strong armor against coronavirus. But, after taking the jab, if you are facing some side effects, please know that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

These side-effects will be shown because your body is in the process of building the antibodies as the COVID-19 vaccine shot is all about building immunity in your body. Certain common side-effects you will face after the vaccine shot are pain, swelling at the injection site, mild fever, body aches, weakness, and headaches. 

How to reduce side-effects:

If you feel that all these mild side-effects are affecting your balanced normal life, then there are certain tips that you can follow to recover soon.

  1. In the place where the injection was administered, try to put an ice pack a few times a day. It will reduce the soreness, rashes, and any kind of redness.
  2. There is a high chance of mild fever or an increase in body temperature a few hours after the jab. Hence, take a cool shower, it will bring down the body temperature and make you feel fresh and better.
  3. After the vaccine shot, drink surplus water, fresh juices, or ORS. We all certainly know how important it is to stay hydrated. Especially after the jab, you will feel weak. These drinks will improve your strength, get you back on your feet and build your immunity in no time.
  4. If you feel severe body pains or headaches, take a counter pain reliever for once and see if you are doing better. The same applies to mild fever. 
  5. Take good rest after the vaccine shot, this will help your body build a good immunity system faster, and even with all the side effects, it is advised to rest for a day or two, as they most likely subside soon if our body is not under constant physical activity.

Before the shot:

If your slot is confirmed and you are due to take the vaccine in a few days, make sure you follow these basic steps that will keep your body fit and strong to face the weakness you are most likely about to face.

  1. Get adequate sleep
  2. Eat nutritious food
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Do not stress
  5. Exercise, meditate, or practice yoga

If you are facing stress, your body is bound to show more signs, symptoms which show that you need good rest to overcome them.

All these effects will subside in a couple of days except for swelling, which will take a maximum of 10 days to get back to the normal state. If they don’t subside in a few days or if you are having some serious symptoms like breathlessness, chest tightness, bluish lips, or face, then it is a cause for concern and you need to visit a medical practitioner.

However, in fear of these mild symptoms or some baseless rumors, do not step back from taking the WHO-approved vaccines. Remember that taking a vaccine is the best thing for the safety of you and your loved ones. Hence, utilize the earliest slot you get. 

Even after getting the vaccine, Stay home until the entire world is vaccinated because only then, we are all safe!

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