Top 5 Web Series: Drama

top 5 web series

Running out of shows? We are here with the top 5 Drama Series

So this quarantine let’s plunge ourselves into some crazy, amazing shows with a box full of loaded pop-corn and a drink to sip on.

There are like a million genre of shows over the various online sites to binge watch.

Well, we’re here to let you know that there are shows which shall always remain classic no matter how many shows pop in.

Let’s talk about the shows you should never even think of missing, not even in your dream or blink of a second.

Let’s jump in,

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (Netflix)

This show if you haven’t watched, are we still in talking terms?

This show is one of the best classic sitcom ever. It was first aired in 1994 and ended in the year 2004. It recently completed 25 year’s anniversary since they have aired the show.

This show is the exact show you would want to watch if you’re bored? You’re low? you’re sad? You’re depressed? You’re crying? You’re (in any sort of mood).

F.R.I.E.N.D.S is all about six crazy, amazing, beautiful, handsome, insane, sexy people living their lives and showing how they made it to every situation of life, call it friendship, call it love, call it madness.

It teaches us many minute values of things we except from others and that of great morals.

They’re moments where you would start envying their friendship and figuring out do I even have friends? Trust me, you would not want to miss this show,

Disclaimer- carry a tissue because being overwhelmed might also let your tears down.


Bingo! This show has been the most trending show out there, it has released a series of four parts.

Money Heist is a Spanish television show. Ever fell in love with a criminal? Or with the crime they do?

Uh, this show is a master-game/mind-game of a professor who gears up a team of people for robbery of the highest value locations in the country. Considering that cold-hearted, it still shows how they dwell upon their issues with the cops and the agents.

It even shows the amount of bond the team has gained from being strangers equipped for a robbery to a family all set to save a family member of theirs who has been on the capture.

You would the brain of the professor, wishing you had one such. Watch this crazy drama and hold on to your nerves if you can.

GAME OF THRONES (Hotstar Premium)

Being the most raw show ever. The drama revolves around various kingdoms and the correct one to be seated on the throne. It has a brilliant story line and an amazing way of making sure you don’t leave the screen for hours.

This show has eight seasons and not until the last season you would wake up being disappointed so get yourself hooked up and watch it.

GOT has an amazing cast, and impressive quality of work involved in it.

It would make you anxious if you like a character, as you never know which characters pull in the strings and which one kicks the bucket.

This show has all the items required for a dish, it has love, rivalry, hatred, politics, passion, greed, power, wars, brother-hood and above all the family is the final touch of the recipe. The plot-twist is just your sip in this show.

Disclaimer- Don’t watch it with your parents, as I said it is raw and wild, you got the point?

DYNASTY (Netflix)

How does money? Power? Make you feel, does it consume you? Or makes you realize money and power are temporary while family standing up for you lasts longer.

DYNASTY is about rich families and how they fall into the manhole of problems every time, and at the end it is their family standing up and making sure no harm comes their way. They would do anything to save their family name.

This T.V show started in 2017 and it is running on its third season.

It shows a strong led on the feminist characters, making us learn that a woman can run down a company too. It’s a drama full of family barging on everyone and themselves also but standing tall as a rock at the end. 

It has romance, love, family, betrayal, Transgender, and a machine loaded of twist on your way. Watch it, sure you’re not getting up from your couch until you’re done binge watching.


Name itself portray’s GOSSIP, huh haven’t you heard one in your life?

Gossip is something which keeps us running on our toes from an ear to ear.

Gossip Girl started in 2007 and ended in 2012.

It is the perfect package of drama one needs in their life, if not have at-least to watch.

This show depicts on a group of friends who rounded with money all over, and it all starts with a gossip portal that let’s everyone personal life on plain and it shows how these friends jumble over their own relationships and how they deal with life and get past everything for the people they love.

It has this amazing cast of splendid artists who fit the role perfectly. This show is about money, love, divorces, soul searching, revenge, humor and friendship.

The plot-twist is amazing, which won’t known until what? The show ends.

At the end, tell me you want a friend like Blair? or Serena?


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