Vajrasana and its Health Benefits

vajrasana pose by girl

One of the easiest pose in yoga is Vajrasana. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word “vajra“, which means thunderbolt or diamond. For this pose, you kneel and then sit back on your legs to take the weight off your knees. 

Breathing and meditative exercises are often done in this position, which is said to help your body become as strong as a diamond.

The lesser-known fact is that people in japan sit in this position most of the time, even while they eat and during their tea time. This is because sitting in Vajrasana stimulates speedy digestion. Our intestines need more blood flow immediately to digest food in the most effective manner.

Benefits of Vajrasana

1. It helps in keeping the mind calm and stable.
2. Cures digestive acidity and gas formation.
3. Helps in reducing obesity.
4. Reduces menstrual cramps.
5. Helps to relieve knee pain.
6. Strengthening thigh muscles.
7. Increasing blood circulation to the lower abdominal region.
8. It helps relieve constipation.
9. Facilitates digestion
10. Makes knee and ankle joints flexible and prevents certain rheumatic diseases.

The Yoga Guru of India, Baba Ramdev has a lot more to tell about Vajrasana.

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