What is Clubhouse App and why is it Getting Popular?


Clubhouse App(Application) is no new name in the world of social media these days. It has taken the digital world by storm. From influencers to the masses, everyone is talking about this latest audio-based social networking platform that garnered much attention after its launch for Android devices in May 2021.

What is Clubhouse App?

The clubhouse was born as a ‘Talk-show’, a platform for podcasts but the founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth in 2019 year-end transformed it into an invitation-only application for iOS which led it to stand out in 2021 with its Android launch. Operating since March 2020 in its beta version, this social media startup is now valued at $4 billion.

It has voice-only chat rooms which can accommodate 5000 users at once. This application mainly focuses on providing speaking and listening opportunities to the users.

Clubhouse rose to fame when celebrities and influencers started joining this application. It has now become their hub for conference calls, radio, virtual audio concerts, house- parties, and every type of content that is audio-based.

The only difference between clubhouse and the latest podcasting applications is that clubhouse has live audio chat rooms so the users can speak and listen only in real time unlike the published podcast content on other platforms.

How does Clubhouse, the invite-only app work?

As mentioned above, clubhouse is an invitation-only application and is currently in its beta testing procedure. The users can only download it from the App Store and play store but to create an account, they will require an invitation from an existing user. This seemed quite elitist to the users under the first impression.

Suppose you want to be a part of an ongoing conversation in a chat room your friend is already a part of, you can join it only if your friend sends you an invitation link. If you are not invited, you can always create an account and stay back on the waiting list. 

Also, the existing users can send only two invites initially to their two contacts. To increase this number, they have to take part in conversations and host chat rooms to significantly contribute to growing the virtual community and get noticed by Clubhouse.

Why should you use this application?

Clubhouse has limitless chat rooms with interesting ongoing conversations you can be a part of. The users talk about everything and simply form connections with like-minded users. You can join a chat room that is hosting a virtual concert of a singer or an interview of a celebrity or simply a talk show where the users can communicate their ideas with each other.

Major hype about this application: 

After its launch in lockdown 2020, it became much popular among the masses who want to attend all the above events virtually. However, it became a point of discussion because of its exclusive working model starting with its availability on iOS.

Later, this application got super-hyped when tech titans like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg became a part of the conversations on this exclusive chat platform. Since then, Clubhouse is blasting and the user base is continuing to grow.

Is Clubhouse application safe?

The female and LGBTQ user base of the Clubhouse application has complained about the application being a host to chat rooms that promote hate speech and criticism. However, as of the recent updates, the developers are focusing on setting up policies and community guidelines to curb this issue and make it a safe and secure platform for all users.

Clubhouse is a super-addictive application for speakers and listeners and a safe place to share their thoughts with fellow users. You can get an invitation from your friend and use your invites to help your other friends join and create a virtual chat room and start interacting like being in a real clubhouse.

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