What is Post-Surgery Nutrition and why it is Important?

Post surgery nutrition

NUTRITION is a key component of your surgery recovery. Food nourishes you and helps your body to heal from the stress of surgery.

There are many components to consider with nutrition such as protein, vitamins, minerals, help to relieve from surgical wounds, scarring, inflammation, and constipation.

As pre-operative Nutrition is very important before going into OR ( OPERATION ROOM ) and to maintain the physiologic functions of the body for speedy recovery you need to include a post-operative diet as well.

Usually, you can start solid food after 15 days of surgery upon the advice of a doctor.

Sources of Nutrition after post-surgery Vitamins and minerals:-

 Vitamin A – Stimulates the immune response and helps form normal outer and inner skin.

Good sources of Vitamin A include carrots, leafy greens, red bell pepper, and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C – This vitamin plays a major role in speedy recovery from wounds and prevents infections.

It forms strong collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels to recover from inner surgical wounds. Good sources include lemons, , oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli, kiwi etc.

Vitamin D – is an essential nutrient in the formation, maintenance, and repair of bones. Good sources include fortified milk, egg yolk, salmon, tuna, and direct exposure of skin to sunlight.

Calcium -is an essential mineral for bone repair/soft tissue healing, proper blood clotting muscle contraction(especially normal heartbeat rhythm). Milk and milk products, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, are good sources.

Zinc – It is required for the major surgery to help gain the collagen and fastens the wound healing in patients followed by major wounds. Rich sources of zinc include fish, poultry, legumes, spinach, and cereals.

Iron – Most surgeries involve an unexpected blood loss. To replace the blood and create new red blood cells, you need to intake iron from foods like spinach, broccoli, eggs, chicken liver, etc. 

PROTEIN:- MAJOR REQUIREMENT AFTER POST SURGERY. It helps to repair damaged body tissues, form antibodies to fight against infections, and synthesize collagen which is necessary for scar formation.

Good protein sources include eggs, lean poultry, fish and seafood, nuts legumes, and seeds. Red meats may trigger inflammation, so cut back on fatty red meats.

Consider nuts, tofu, beans, and vegetarian foods, such as tempeh and textured vegetable protein to supplement your protein needs. Dairy products are also a source of protein, but they can also cause constipation (bloating) .

*Complication after post-surgery *

CONSTIPATION:- It is important to drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods after surgery to prevent constipation. Try to eat whole foods that are rich in fiber, and limit those that are refined or include additives like salt, fat, and sugar. Choose whole-grain bread, cereals, fruits, and vegetables (fresh or frozen) that are darker in color to increase your insoluble fiber intake.

If you are able, try to exercise or be active in your daily routine. Exercise can stimulate bowel movements. You can also use laxatives upon prescription to loosen the bowel. 

 Limit these foods that will likely cause constipation

1. Dried or dehydrated foods, such as dried fruits (prunes are an exception, they can help to ease constipation).

2. Avoid Refined/processed foods.

3. Avoid fried foods

4. Avoid cheese and milk products ( sometimes causes bloating) 

5. Avoid red meat 

6. Avoid sugary foods and soft drinks.

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