350 Elephants Died in Botswana


350 Elephants in Botswana died in the last one month. The count is definitely suspicious, but the actual scene doesn’t give any clues to the forest department of Botswana. The officials from the department concluded that the elephants died naturally as no tusks were stolen from the elephant’s dead body. However, the concerned department sent some samples to the UK, South Africa, and Zimbabwe to find out the tragedy behind the issue.

The police are interrogating the locals on the same issue. The local villagers say that some elephants before dying were walking in a circle and fell suddenly. The officials also said that this issue had started in May, but 70% of the elephant deaths are registered in the last month.

This number is creating panic in locals and officials too. To date, around 275 bodies were found and remaining to be found. The officials also informed that they found no injuries on the dead bodies. So the deaths suddenly became a mystery.

The next statement from the forest department will be revealed after the test reports give a reason for the mass deaths. Africa’s well-known place for the wild animals and for its vast forest areas didn’t face these tragedic wild animals deaths so far. So the government has ordered to investigate the issue soon.

The country has a huge population of elephants around 13,000. The real worry is this huge number. Reports say that other elephants are also found to be weak and fall sick. No signs or evidence in the deaths is making the issue to think more.

Hope they’ll find out the reason soon and work to solve what so ever.

Also Read : The Complete Story behind the death of Elephant and her Baby

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