5 best dry fruits and it’s amazing nutritional benefits

Dry Fruits

 1. Almonds:– These are rich in protein, fiber, magnesium, and free fats. They are a good source of anti-oxidant fuel. Can be eaten raw or roasted. Almonds help to control the cholesterol levels, helps in hair growth, prevents from cancer, aids in weight loss, improvises heart health, lowers blood pressure. A little fistful of almonds makes your day energetic.

2. Dates Fruit:-  Dates are fruits that come from the date palm trees, which is grown in native middle eastern countries and Asia too.  This fruit contains a good amount of fiber, protein, fats, carbs, and rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B6( pyridoxine).

These are the key elements that promote a healthy heart and nervous system functioning.  It also promotes normal labor. It is good for growing female and male. It’s one of the best treatments to induce periods and avoid irregular menses.  These are available fresh and dressed dates . 2 to 4 dates in a day is enough to make your day fit and healthy.

3. FIGS (anjeer):- Figs,  which are delicious sweet fruit with loaded benefits are from the mulberry family. These are an excellent source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins.  Figs are found to have dried or fresh pulp figs.

Eating two daily can help prevent cancer, lower’s blood sugar levels prevent hypertension, relieves throat pain, protect from liver damage, also aid in digestion, strengthens bones, and helps to boost IMMUNITY.

4. Walnuts:-  These little brain nuts are rich in omega -3 fatty acids which promote a healthy heart and helps to lower blood pressure.  These nuts also have anti-cancer properties and help in Diabetic patients.

5. Pistachio’s:- I love these tiny reddish-green nuts which are covered by shells. These are the best Munchies for everyone.  It has some quite awesome benefits as it prevents from future cardiovascular diseases, may reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, helps to lower the blood pressure, good for Diabetic patient and also helps in anti-aging.

These contain a good amount of fiber, protein, and also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidants traits.   Among these, there are many more dried fruits which works as a natural medicine in our lifestyle. Having a palmful of dry fruits every day may boost your immune system and helps to prevent future diseases.

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