A 70-year-old woman dragged her 100-year-old mother on a cot to the bank to withdraw pension money

70-year-old Woman dragged her 100-year-old mother on cot to bank to withdraw pension money

woman dragged her mother to a bank. Humanity died once again! Our government is doing a great job by providing financial support through pension schemes for senior citizens. Yes, this is happening without fail and our people are really satisfied and have hope with this support to live, It’s clear that the pension is given to all the senior citizens and in India; we have 104 million population for people listed under seniors who do not have financial support and aged above 50. We usually give priority to the senior citizens in every aspect, but why the bank procedure to avail pension is so insane?

An incident in our India is so pathetic where a 100-year-old woman who is completely bedridden living in a remote village with her daughter has to go all the way to the bank to get her pension of Rs. 1000. Her helpless daughter was asked to show living proof for the 100-year-old by the bank manager to avail her pension.

The lady explained to the manager that there was no transport facility to carry her to the bank, in spite of explaining her condition, she was forcibly insisted to get her old lady to the bank, Helpless lady dragged her mother all the way on mud roads on a wooden cot to the bank.

This cruelty of the people with authority and power has alternatives where he could send some agent to check for her proof but why such lame irresponsible behavior of the officials? This is not the only situation? Why this hide and seek with humanity?

Can’t we have the heart to have empathy for the woman, if you’re given authority over someone that means they believe in you, they trust you that you are worthy enough to take care of them, let your power serve them to make their lives better.

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