Advocated Nutritional benefits of vegetative corn silk (hair)

Corn Silk

Corn silk is the long, shiny hair-like strands of plant material that grow underneath the husk of a fresh ear of corn. Many of them wonder about corn silk and its unknown facts. But it has some potent medicinal properties and contains a variety of plant compounds.

Corn silk can be used as a fresh or dried fiber before consumption. Corn silk contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It also contains chemicals which might work like water pills (diuretics), and it might alter the blood sugar levels.

Corn silk is basically used for bladder infections, inflammation of the urinary system, inflammation of the prostate, kidney stones, and bedwetting. It is also used to treat congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, and high cholesterol levels.

Let’s talk about it’s amazing benefits :-

  1. Reduces the blood pressure – Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a leading cause of stroke and eventual death in present days. A cup of dried corn silk tea without sugar could help to lower the blood pressure.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties – corn silk possesses anti-inflammatory properties which help to lower the pain that are caused due to inflammatory health problems such as arthritis and gout. Corn silk has diuretic properties that prevent the excess formation of uric acid in the body joints that could result in gout pain.
  3. Treats UTI (urinary tract infections) – UTI is the most common hospital admission for women and few men. It is usually caused by bacteria invading your bladder . A cup of corn silk tea or lemon with corn silk will help to kill the bacteria and prevent from irritation and inflammation.
  4. Has diuretic activity – Corn silk tea is used for its diuretic activities that flush out excess presence of waste and water from the body. It lowers the health problems that are associated with water retention. The use of diuretics prevents the chances of kidney diseases and congestive heart failure.
  5. Facilitates Blood clotting – Corn silk contains large amounts of vitamin K. Vitamin K is used by the body to help blood clot. Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. By helping the blood clot, corn silk might decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin) . It *prevents an excess of bleeding during an injury.
  6. Helps fight cholesterol – Keeping cholesterol levels in the blood low is the key to staying healthy and avoid heart hazards . This corn silk can lower the risk of cardiac problems.
  7. Lowers the blood sugar levels – Corn silk might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking corn silk along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low.
  8. Prevents from kidney stones – Kidney stones cause pain and irritation while urinating due to the formation of small crystallized deposits. It increases the flow of urine and lowers the chances of formation of sediment in kidneys. But it doesn’t treat the diagnosed kidney stones.
  9. Keeps your skin glowing – A topical cornsilk cream can reduce pigmentation and uneven skin stone .
    These shiny thread like fibers are most widely has been used as a traditional medicine for KIDNEYS. Kidneys are one of the major portals for toxins to leave out your body. Anything before allopathy can treat your kidney diseases and keep you healthy by using ancient remedies . It improves the Detoxification of kidneys and bodily fluids and maintains a healthy metabolic state. Before you go ahead with corn silk tea or supplements , you should ask your doctor to avoid any minor to major side effects.

One should not take corn silk if you are already under allopathic medications. A pregnant woman can have in smaller amounts of this tea under doctor advice, because it leads to uterus stimulation and sometimes miscarriage.

Note: Corn silk tea should be consumed in minimal amounts based upon your body weight and health status .

Recipe: To make corn silk tea, take 1tbsp of corn silk per one cup of water. Then pour boiling water over the corn silk and let steep for 15mins and add your choice of flavor. I usually prefer lemon or honey.

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