Apple iPhone’s Looted, Being Tracked Back in the U.S.A

apple store looted during protest

The world is facing the pandemic and a lot of chaos on the other side. The death of George Floyd has raised an account of riots in the United states, they are million’s of protestors who have come on roads calling for justice and a safe place to live in. In the meantime a lot of looting has been happening, a lot of collateral damage for various stores.

In that context, The Apple store which has been closed from mid march because of the crisis and pandemic of corona has decided to open over 100 stores over U.S.A over the last week. Considering all the loss the company had because of the crisis, they wanted to get back into the market.

But, the riots and protest have been happening with much rage and violence which in-turn backfired the Apple store. The phones/I-pads and the gadgets kept at the display have been looted. The gadgets which are kept at the display are not for sale as they have this special live-tracking software installed in it. These phones are not in use outside the apple store. So they are disabled. As a plus point now they are tracking down all the gadgets and phones which have been looted during the protest.

People have posted images of iPhone’s which have been stolen from the stores. Well-known stores across Los-angles, New-York, California, Washington have been looted. The phone when tried to be used it would say that “PLEASE RETURN TO THE APPLE STORE“, This device has been disabled and is being tracked-Local authorities will be alerted. This would appear when the stolen phone would be tried to use.

Looting has gone to a large extent, where people are found helpless in every situation. It is time for their government to take things into hands. But, no worries with the tracking software pre-installed in those gadgets it would be easy to track them down.

The current CEO of Apple Tim Cook has sent out a memo to his employees where he condemned the killing of an innocent and asked for the creation of “better, more just world for everyone.”

To our colleagues in the black community-we see you, he said. You matter, your lives matter, you are valued here at apple was the statement given by the CEO of Apple.

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