Are you Immune Against Coronavirus Without Experiencing Side Effects of vaccines ?

vaccine immunity sideeffects

Ever since vaccines were available to the public, it was a great sigh of relief for everyone. Though there was an acute shortage of vaccines, people hopped onto the first chance they got to take the jab.

From the onset, the awareness has been raised that side effects are completely common after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. However, a new rumor has been doing rounds these days that our body may not have built immunity if we did not experience side effects, but is that true?

While it is true that many experience side effects after getting the vaccine, it is not mandatory that everyone must experience side effects. Side effects can be experienced due to several factors such as age, gender, vaccine type, and many more. Some of the very common side-effects of vaccines are headache, fatigue, muscle or joint pain, fever, chills, and nausea. In rare cases, we experience rashes, swellings, allergies, and breathlessness.

Experts suggest adults aged 30 to 45 experience more side effects than those aged above 65, which is a little surprising. But, this happens because young adults have strong immune systems and when they take the shot, the COVID jab triggers their immune system, leading to side effects.

This doesn’t mean that those aged above 65 or others who did not experience side effects will not build an immunity against the vaccine. Data also suggests that women experience more side effects than men, which could be because of different hormones present in the body.

However, the side effects will subside if you take proper rest, food, water before and after taking the jab. Some people are opting for painkillers to reduce side effects but experts suggest it is not recommended to take any kind of medicines to subside the side effects but if they continue for a longer period or if you experience severe symptoms, it is advised to meet a medical practitioner and only then, take the necessary medications.

All the data and reports suggest that whether or not you experience side effects will not determine your immunity against coronavirus and rest assured, the vaccines are highly tested and made after intense research and approved by WHO, so take your vaccine shot on the next chance you get and arm yourselves against the novel coronavirus.

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