Climate Change – We Need To Act Now To Save Our Climate

It is intended to be a laymen perspective and critics please don’t be behind me taunting about the geographical and geological aspects. I am not a GG major. Thanks!

Then why am I writing? It was a recent epiphany that we, human beings who are strong advocates of civilisation and industrialisation, deliberately or deliurantly ignore the unprecedented climate change warning that we’ve been receiving from quite some time now.

I believe that the rise in temperature started around the beginning of the 20th century. It witnessed industrial revolution, liberalisation and most importantly the war period of most countries that are independent now.

Now that it is kind of the alphabet of environmental sciences that greenhouse gases from anthropometric inventions are responsible for global warming which results in climate change. I choose not to address that because I know how non – informativeit is to read all of them again.

On a sceptic approach I perceived, that climate change warnings are not as visible as the political proxy wars in democratic nations. Countries ruled by dictators are doing well in this aspect, for whatsoever reason: fear or concern.

No Montreal Protocol or petitions can actually change this pathetic state. Seven to eight months of intense pandemic protocols allowed us to witness the beauty of nature and how less anthropogenic interference with the ecosystem brings an explicit composure.

I guess we are unable to visualise it, because we do not directly experience it. It is the poles at present getting flashes of catastrophic effect of warmer temperatures. There are some serious transformations at the global level.

Sea levels are rising due to incessant rains and flooding. At least disappearing of islands and plantations should be effecting us, because damn, how are we gonna eat?

Reasoning and causation for climate change is self explanatory. We know what we are doing. It is high time we take terminologies like sustainable development, conservationism seriously. The technicalities of climate-related studies are beyond layman’s ken, but we can come out of our ignorant shells and be a helping hand.

It’s like all of us suffer from myopia, common eye condition where far sight is blurred. Looking at the things in our proximity we are in this misconception that everything is in order. But nope, there is damage from the other end and soon shall reach us.

Socialists have already mentioned that if there’s gonna be a world war in the near future, its gonna be due to water resources. This plausible statement has to get us on our toes.

Western countries have begun to observe weather variations at a local level as an initiative of accountability. Not just pizzas, American TV shows, and quite liberal mindsets, such progressive actions should be taken replicated from the western culture.

Climate change has the potential to become the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. It definitely isn’t something that can be liked on Instagram and Facebook. For us to understand, something bigger than corona, okay??? We couldn’t handle restrictions imposed on our social life for a tentative period and if climate change reaches its peak intensity, I’ll allow your imagination to do its work.

I think we’ll be the pioneers in getting judged by the next generations for setting up a chaotic habitat and not for poverty. Bitter sweet, isn’t it?

All of us might have cribbed about how inaccurate the weather predictions telecasted in the mornings are. Poor weather reporters are finally getting it right now, but it is about how destructive is the climate observation model.

We already have the solution served up on our platters for breakfast; we should just wake up and change.  No big brain time, no logical reasoning, just change.

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