One good thing we are seeing during this pandemic, Covid -19 , was the freedom given back to all those voiceless animals, birds, and mammals on this earth. It was as if the mother earth turned into a Santa, by gifting these creatures the joy and happiness they deserved and they were Back To Life.
Oh! What a pleasure it was to watch them roaming around on the public roads, birds chirping like never before, the dolphins were seen at the shoreline frequently, ducks crossing the roads, deer running and playing in a village, white swans swimming freely because of less water traffic and much more.
Though, we the human race, is going through a bad phase seeing people dying due to the corona virus outbreak, on the contrary these innocent beings on our planet are living their lives like never before. Thanks to climate changes that resulted in fresher air, bluer skies, cleaner water and decrease in pollution. In addition to this we saw lives coming back.
Yes, 15 species came back from extinction. The Saber tooth tiger, the California Condor, the Bermuda Petrel, the Woolly Mammoth and few others in the list. The point to stress upon here is that the decrease in the activities done by humans around the world, resulted in the increase in the probability of living of these animals. This surely acts as a reality check and a wake up call for us to be more responsible towards our planet and saving the wild lives.
Now let’s talk about those unfortunates living in the zoo, caged throughout their life just for us to get entertained. The grills of the window at my home reminded me that of those cages, animals are put into, in a zoo. They might be feeling the same as how we are feeling right now. Like how we are eagerly waiting to go out and breathe in fresh air, wander in the city roads, having street food, meeting our friends and family, having a gala time.
Even these innocent creatures belong to their place and their place is not those cages, but the beautiful forests and vast lands that keep them happy and free.This lock down is a lesson for the humans to understand how it is to be an animal and all those species which cannot voice what they feel.
Who are here to blame ? Is it the government, the politicians, the tourist department? Who? Wait a second. Don’t you think it’s us as an individual contributing to this. Don’t you think it’s our curiosity to watch these wild animals live, making them put into cages? Let’s not be selfish with this planet. It’s not just ours, we just coexist and share it with all other species on earth. Let’s set them free back to where they belong. Live and let live!