Do you consume alcohol moderately? It is actually beneficial !!


Yes, you have read it right. There are actual benefits associated with the habit of drinking alcohol, to be precise – Moderate drinking. Now that also doesn’t mean you have to start drinking to gain these benefits.

Most of the times we hear people complaining about how drinking is injurious to health and will deteriorate your living pattern. It is not completely true.

There are some actual benefits associated with the consumption of alcohol. Also, too much consumption is too bad and is not advisable for individuals under 21 of age.

It is seen that individuals especially men who consume alcohol moderately have lower risks of getting a heart attack than those who drink very rarely.

This was examined by a professor from the Harvard Medical School in Boston as a part of his study. Also, it has been seen that there is a lower risk of diabetes in both men and women for moderate drinking.

There is also evidence that moderate consumption of alcohol prevents strokes or any other injury to the brain but still, the researchers have to conduct deeper studies to understand the effects.

It is also observed that alcohol consumption prevents dementia which is a memory loss disorder.

A study from the Journal of Endocrinology recommends that moderate consumption of beer can also make the Menopause symptoms less severe in women.

But at the same time, heavy alcohol consumption leads to diseases related to the liver and other cardiovascular diseases.

Also, every individual’s body type is different and the digesting capacity of their body differs too, so the amount of alcohol they consume is directly related to the capacity of their body which can hold it.

Although alcohol consumption is injurious to health and is highly not recommended, moderate drinking can be partially encouraged keeping in mind the quantity of intake. This is how you get drunk smartly.

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