Farm Bill 2020 To Farmer’s Protest 2021

Farmers’ bill 2020 was earlier approved by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in September  2020 and the president of India, Ram Nath Kovind gave approved it on 27th September 2020. But the farmers from Punjab, Haryana, U.P, Kerala have started protesting the farm bills 2020. Before taking any of their sides, let us take a quick glance at the farm bills 2020.

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce Act, 2020:

Earlier, farmers used to sell their produce in the local markets (mandi) managed and price fixed by the government. But this bill allows the farmers to sell their produce at any other market and to any person or to any organization irrespective of the geographical location too and they can directly negotiate the price with the buyer. According to this bill, no state government is allowed to levy taxes on farmers’ produce.

Farmers’ point of view:

Farmers are worried that they may lose the minimum selling price system as they are not selling it to the government anymore.

Farmers Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020:

This bill provides total security to the farmers. It provides all the legal framework for farmers to enter into pre-arranged contracts. The pre-arranged contracts will have the buying price too which cannot be changed later without the farmers’ concern. According to this bill, the farmers can now sell their produce even before they didn’t start farming. It’s just as simple as booking in advance. Any dispute between the buyer and farmers will have a clear resolution mechanism to solve it.

Essential Commodities Act, 2020:

This bill removed cereals, pulses, potatoes, onions, edible oilseeds, and oils from the list of essential commodities. This bill helps the whole country against stocking up the essential commodities and hiking the prices whenever they want except under emergencies.

What happened later on:

On December 31st, 2020, the Kerala government have passed a resolution against the farm bills. On 1st January 2021, over 866 academics from many educational institutions have written an open letter stating that the farmers’ bill 2020 will give freedom to the farmers in selling their produce at any price they want and to any buyer they want and to any place they want. From now on farmers will no longer need MSP ( Minimum Selling Price) as they are selling their products directly and the contract made with the buyer is absolutely safe as the government has already designed a pattern to resolve the disputes. This is the difference between the politicians & educated people.

After farmers’ protesting against the farm bills 2020, the government have already started looking into it and promised security to farmers

Though the Delhi police have given permission to farmers to take up a rally with 50,000 tractors in Delhi, the farmers or the people who acted to be farmers came up with 2,00,000 tractors to Delhi. The protest has turned into a riot and it’s clearly seen that they have come up prepared. Stabbing the National flag, stabbing police to death, guarded tractors, swords don’t set an example of protest.

What happened on January 26th, 2021 in Delhi was not at all acceptable whatsoever may be the reason. Farmers being the pride of the nation have crossed their limits and took the protest in a different direction.



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