Netflix brought us yet another blood-chilling horror movie this July, known as the fear street trilogy. This American horror film series was inspired by R. L. Stine’s book series “Fear Street” and directed by Leigh Janiak. With around 80 million copies sold of the book, there’s no doubt the market was hungry for the next big horror franchise. The series contains 3 different movies showing incidents from 3 different years, all taking place in a small town called Shadyside. Let’s just dive right in.
The first movie starts with the year 1994, where we see a bunch of kids from two different towns, Sunnyside and Shadyside, fight because of petty reasons. While they do so, we see strange things happening and a bunch of people being attacked and killed by a serial killer. The protagonist and her friends investigate after they are being haunted by the same serial killer who is already being killed. Later on, a bunch of different serial killers from the past come after them as if to stop them from finding the truth. And that brings forward several serial killer incidents, all happening in their town in a gap of a few years. They figured out all these murders are happening because of one ancient curse, “The Curse of Sarah Fier”.
As we move forward to the next movie, they showed us incidents from the year 1978. Why this year, you may ask? This was the only time where there was a survivor of the serial killer. We see a fresh set of children in a summer camp of Shadyside, also trying to find out about the same mystery but unfortunately are unsuccessful in doing so. All the Students after the mystery were killed except one, who is going to help the other kids in 1994.
Finally, in the third movie we are taken back to the year 1666, the year where it all began. The same year when the first serial killer attacked the town, the year where we finally got to meet Sarah Fier. In this year the protagonist figured out the actual story about the curse. After knowing the entire story, the protagonist breaks the curse and punishes the culprit, saving her friend and the entire town from the age-old curse.
The Script was very well written and nicely adapted from the book. After our review, you might feel you already know all about the movie, but that’s where you are wrong. The story is so much more than this. The most terrific work was the storytelling. You always feel you know what’s going to happen next, but yet it keeps you at the edge of your seat. And the finale was totally unexpected.
The acting is mind blowing, from all the actors. The one thing which was really interesting was using the same actors for distinct characters at different timelines.
Somehow, this made me connect to the characters even more. Releasing the movies one by one after an interval of a week after each movie, worked really well and successfully created a hype in the market.
That’s what you expect from a good horror movie, right? A great touching story, outstanding performance from all the actors, all the animated scenes that make your heart stop, making you feel you are actually in the movie. Altogether this fear street trilogy is a great watch, so get your popcorn ready and start binging.