The entire country became one for George Floyd’s life. This is good when we see people as one! Okay, let us start from the beginning, George Floyd, working as a bouncer in Minneapolis, visited a grocery shop as he regularly goes. He gives a $20 cheque in the bill counter, that worker who received the cheque thought it was a fake one! And informed it to local police.
Police, once they saw George Floyd, enquired him about the cheque, and video seemed to be going good till then. Police get him beside his vehicle and stab him down and pressure George’s neck with his knee. Here the co-police men try to cover some CC cameras but all this shit was being clearly captured in one. Sources say that George was warning the policemen that he is unable to breathe. Avoiding his pain, the policemen pressured his neck for nine minutes and later realized that he is dead.
The video anywhere doesn’t seem like the situation demanded the policemen to do so. Were the policemen so serious about a $20 cheque that made them to take a life?

And then starts the story. Everyone in the country irrespective of their color, become one and came out to fight for justice. That shows the unity in them is so real. That was really good to see. Their protest made the president come down and answer for the situation.
Leaving the situation in the USA apart, let us come to Indian news channels talking about this issue. Our media started covering this issue even before the protest began. Okay, this is also good, like feeling bad for situations like this is good. Our media started showing this issue again and again, and they were also happy for president of the USA coming down and giving an explanation on it.
Here, I was surprised our country is so much better that we don’t come across these situations like I thought our policemen are far better than them. And then I went through the issue and saw much more terrifying stories in India.
Will you believe me, if I say 12 people were died after they were beaten up by the policemen during the lockdown, that too in just starting 5 weeks of it? But the sad truth is, you people have to believe me for this. 3 each in Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, 2 in Madhya Pradesh, and 1 each in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Punjab lost their lives after they were beaten up by the police.

How many of you have heard about this? I guess most of us didn’t that these many died. Of course, the police were scared for our lives and protecting us! But at what cost? How many news channels have highlighted these issues? How many of them have asked officials for an explanation on this? I leave this to you people. I know there will be no change in anything after reading this because it has done long back already. I don’t afraid to say, “shame on Indian news channels that work only for political parties”.