Google collects so much data in the back-end you can’t imagine that they are collecting the data from you. Yes, they respect your Privacy and they never share your Phone number, Email-Id, Individual location.
Let me explain how this works. I hope everyone has used google maps once in their lifetime and our favorite option that is showing the traffic conditions to us in respective red, green routes for us to travel and found it very useful.
Yes, they do it by tracking location of your phones. Google tracks everywhere you travel and stores in the database. You may think I never gave permission to do that to them. Yes, you gave it to them; I don’t think so; you remember. When you bought your dream android phone and was very excited in setting up the phone, you never checked the terms and conditions accepting while setting your phone up as you were excited to use your New phone.
Yes, that single step makes a lot of difference in google collecting all the data from you or your phone. The privacy policy of google is also present there. But we never care to read them. That’s the reason data privacy became a myth in these days.

Comin back to the data collection by google. They track your location, type of device used (IOS Or Android), Operating Systems, age, gender, type of Browsers used, Browsing history, languages you know. Sometimes also how much income you get.
So, Don’t panic, they use this data to show Ads. That’s all.
Yes, Advertisements are a major part of income for google through distinct types like youtube ads, search ads, Image ads Etc. The data collected is only shown to marketers on the other end collectively for targeted marketing of their advertisements and for a better return on Investment for them.

So, Don’t panic, your data is safe with google and they will never use that data in the wrong way. They respect our personal information and will never give individual data to anyone.
We are also using their services for free and they are using us indirectly to show ads and earn money and help others earn money like us.
The best thing is that you also need not to see unrelevant ads like on traditional marketing. So next time you tick that little box while accepting the terms and conditions. Try to have a glance at it.