Ground Reality of COVID-19 Cases in Telangana State: Who Should be Blamed?

Telangana Covid-19

Telangana State has been recording lesser COVID-19 positive cases in the past few days but the public is still so confused about those magical numbers. The High Court of Telangana State has repeatedly asked the state government to re-check and provide an accurate count to the public but still, the count is been reduced.

Coming to the ground reality, the public has repeatedly complained about the COVID-19 testing kits. The public also complained that only 20-25% are being tested for COVID-19 and the remaining are just left because of fewer testing kits and they have to wait and roam in the streets till their count comes. The left out 80-75% of the public is set free to go out as there are no restrictions in the daytime in the state. And the media has no spine to show the ground reality except conducting the debates between the political parties.

The media has some responsibility and should realize that it’s not a political issue any more. Debates are not going to help people to save their lives. The pandemic is all about the people’s lives and the political debates are not going to help. People are losing their dear ones and debates or the press meets against each other is not going to work.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has been repeatedly writing letters to Union Health Ministry but the ministry has been failed to respond. The IMA has requested the central government to impose a strict lockdown in India for 2-3 weeks to control the community spread and also slammed the Health Ministry stated, “Wake up from slumber, Respond”. This shows where we are and how the governments are handling the pandemic.

Coming to the vaccination drive in India has been a big failure. Supreme court has been repeatedly warning the central government to make a plan, guide state governments to make this drive successful but still the government is failed. Telangana state government has re-initiated the vaccine drive and took a bold step to provide only 2nd dose of the vaccine until they get some more vaccines. The Telangana state government has also requested the central government to provide at least 2-Lakh vaccines per day to complete the drive and we know the ground reality of the availability of vaccines in the country.

And in the coming days, the state governments would complain against the central governments by holding press meets as if they worked so hard for the people making it a political drama once again. But the situation in the country is not concerned with the political drama anymore, it is high time that they work as one to save one. Only the health ministry is not responsible for the current situation in the country, every department has to be held responsible and answerable to the public.

People are crying, India is crying, the healthcare workers are about to break, and trust me this is the time all the political parties have to come with one hand and the media should show some sense over TRP’s and it’s not a political show that taking so many lives.


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