Any mammal within the universe produces milk to feed their infants, so because the cow, milking the cow is good for her but at what cost, really matters but it’s a rude incontrovertible fact that once a calf is born it’s separated from its mother. we are telling you the Harsh Truth about Milk.
Her milk is stolen from her mother for creating money, so to supply more milk constantly the cows are artificially inseminated, this routine continues for five years, Every year cow is impregnated ,calf is born. It’s either to be another dairy cattle or to be served as beef.
We in India treat cow as “Kamadenu” which suggests “Divine supreme of all ”, gods live inside her body. We believe causing any harm or killing a cow as “Gauhatya ” which is equal to killing a person.

She is taking tons of pain where she is shredded mentally, dairy isn’t all the flowery advertisements we watch on T.V. it is more beyond our imagination. it’s a incontrovertible fact that each cow raised is to form out profits.
It feels pride for India to be “second-largest producer of milk “ at an equivalent time we are the “second largest exporter of beef”,
She was raised for the demand of milk finally sells herself for beef.

We call her Gaumata and we don’t treat her as our mother, this is often unfair and folks have an enormous heart to know this and limit dairy product usage, seeing people go VEGAN, raised curiosity to understand their perception, it is a new way of living supported only plant-based products, they do not encourage any animal processed products.
This is a neighborhood of the dedication to precise their gratitude for living creatures.
This is the Harsh Truth about Milk from team crunchstories