Here are 5 reasons why Students Should Start Blogging in 2021


There is no day in a student’s life that goes by without surfing the Internet to get information about something. Internet and resourceful content over it is a must for the youth nowadays. Content has been the King since the last decade and it will continue to rule the Internet. Blogging is one of the many types of content that has garnered popularity worldwide.

Blogging is no new name in the digital world. It is a need of the hour for every product, service or simply any kind of information and adds tremendous value in a student’s life.

Here are 5 reasons students should aim for blogging as their side hustle or become a full-time blogger:

1. Improves research and writing skills:

Blogging regularly about various topics, especially when you step out of your comfort zone and explore and write blogs in different niches, requires insane research.

Churning out the best blogs out of that research is a skill. If you keep researching and writing blogs, it will work wonders in your studies as well. You will learn a different style of studying by researching your topics thoroughly and writing it in your own words.

2. Form of self expression:

Blogging is an activity by which you can express yourself with the help of words and words are powerful. When you consistently maintain a blog about your thoughts and opinions, you are giving yourself a platform that speaks ‘you’. Blogging has all of ‘you’ and putting efforts in it daily will help you become more self-aware, confident and expressive.

3. Improves hold on one language:

When you choose to blog in a language, you learn that language deeply. Blogging requires a rich vocabulary and excellent articulation and when you constantly work on these two, you are simultaneously getting proficient at the language you blogged in.

4. Improves creativity:

Creativity means generating novel ideas and thoughts. When you blog about a topic, you need to brainstorm about it entirely and jot down your thoughts. You see it through different approaches and perspectives and enhance your ‘creative vision’ during the process. And for a student, it is very important to be creative in your blogs and experiment with thoughts, ideas, and words.

5. A great source of pocket money:

At last, blogging can earn you a good amount of money too. If you blog for your own website, you can monetize it and generate revenue for yourself. If you take up a blogging internship or job at other companies, you can earn a good sum and other perks too.

Remember, to hone your skills and language first and then offer your services otherwise you will make blogging mistakes you could have avoided.

Bonus tip: The art of blogging can be easily learnt with the help of blogs and other pieces of content online.

After reading this article, you must have got the encouragement and push to start blogging and use your time productively and give yourself a way to express yourself.

If you master the art of blogging, you will always stand out and achieve all the heights you dream of. If you want to start your blogging career and looking for a platform. We at crunch stories are here to help you.

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