We have been hearing all our childhood from our teachers to take part in extracurricular activities. Have we ever drilled into the reason behind their saying?
Art-related activities have been proven to boost a child’s self-esteem. Art activities can do much more than keeping a person busy in various ways.
Studies show that when a child is with peers and they take part in many activities and when they receive various feedbacks from their surrounding, it helps to build their self-respect by learning to accept criticism and appraisal from others. Well, let’s look into some more ways to increase self-esteem.
Art helps to develop real-life skills:
Depending upon whatever extracurricular activity a child chooses in a school, the child will learn some important life skills through it. Your creative and critical thinking will enhance a lot more because arts are all about creativity which comes from within.
It also helps to develop social skills. We also know creativity is the key to new inventions, great minds come with creativity. Human beings are known for their creativity, so it’s very important to discover and explore that side of yours more and more. Art gives a good medium to it.
The art form can improve the test scores of a child:
A child learns dedication skills from art-related activities. And we all know dedication is the success of your goal. This dedication skill improves concentration and helps a child to improve his test scores in a classroom.
In a 2009 study, 12 years of data were collected for the National Educational Longitudinal Survey to look into the effect of education and performing arts children and their achievements. The study found that children involved in these activities outperformed in their results than the set of children who weren’t involved.
Art of self-expression increases:
Art gives proper channelization to a child’s self-expression. Art helps to express yourself in a better way. This expression helps a lot in a classroom. A child can overcome the fear of not expressing themselves in front of other children, they can express their ideas and also value other’s opinions.
Art teaches a child to work as a community, In a cultural program, children work together to put up a whole function. This teaches them to work as a community and also as teamwork. This skill helps a child to work on a project together or even in job life to work together towards a common goal as a team.
It helps to accept ‘failure’, Many times we draw a picture but ultimately it doesn’t turn out to be the exact ‘vision’ we had in our mind, so we end up finishing in a new creative way than we expected earlier. Familiar isn’t it? Sometimes that new creation even turns out to be better than the one we created in our imagination, and sometimes it doesn’t. But we always learn through it.
This teaches a child how not to feel disheartened and try it again. And not giving up attitude in life is one of the best things one can gain.
The self-esteem of a person boosts up when they feel confident. We all know confidence is a building block of any foundation and art forms work as a strong support system towards it.
“It is only through Art and Art only that we can realize our perfection”
Oscar Wilde