How much Water Should I Drink Every day?

drinking water

We are often told to consume water as much as possible to keep the body’s metabolism active and flush out the unwanted toxins out of the system. But, how much water should you drink in a day?

It is also considered that consuming water in good quantities is beneficial for glowing skin. We all know that consuming water keeps us hydrated but what happens if it is consumed in excess?

 It is said that drinking excess of water in sips might lead to swelling in the brain and at the same time not drinking water in the required amounts will also cause damage to the system.

We are often recommended to drink 3-4 litre’s of water daily but should you force yourself to consume water if you’re not feeling thirsty too?

But how much water should I actually drink?

When water is consumed in excess especially in small sips the water is absorbed. But what happens in the brain is that when the water is absorbed continuously or in excess the sodium levels which are very delicately balanced tend to drop which leads to swelling of the brain.

This is like a sickness where the brain starts swelling because of a lack of sodium content. 

Also when the excess of water is consumed at a time let’s say you drink 2 litres of water at a time the body will take the required amounts and the excess is flushed out but if you keep sipping water at regular intervals which is not required the body starts absorbing it eventually cause you are continuously doing that which in the end leads to decrease in the sodium levels of the body.

Drinking that much water is not required but drinking water when your thirsty is absolutely fine and to make sure that you quench your thirst. You can consume a little more quantity of water at that time so that you have enough water in your body when required and you can stay ensured.

It is also said that if everyone consumes water in required quantities sufficiently that would bring down the heart attacks reducing it to fifty percent because there is immense damage caused to the heart when there is no water available when required.

Here drinking water only doesn’t mean drinking liquid water. It is suggested to consume fruits and vegetables with high water content. When fruit is consumed it has 90% of water content and the vegetable has 70% water content.

And whenever we eat food, we must make sure that there is a minimum of 70% water content in the food that we consume. When low water content food is consumed it gets stuck in the system like concrete.

While consuming food we must make sure that the food has water content which is equal to the water content of our body.

So, drink water when you feel thirsty because that’s an indication from the body that the system requires water and just to make sure you’re drinking the right quantity just drink 10% more than required but excess consumption is never suggested.

Make sure that you eat high water content food like fruits and vegetables and make them a part of your diet.

Source : Sadguru

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