ICMR, Bharath Biotech together aims to launch covid vaccine by August 15


As we all know that the corona virus has taken over the world, which had put all the scientist/research developers into a mode of searching for the vaccine. As the vaccine is the only cure we have left in order to survive this pandemic.

There are various researches being done across the world. As a part of that in India, The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) which is known as the largest and oldest biomedical research along with the Bharat Biotech International Limited (BBIL) have said to come together to put in their whole efforts for a vaccine for this pandemic which is running the world of corona virus!

The ICMR has picked up 12 institutes for the testing of the vaccine of the country’s first native Covid-19 vaccine.

On sending the letter to these institute, the ICMR said that it is to anticipate the awake of the vaccine for public health/ common people for use by latest August 15, 2020 after the completion of all forms of trials and recording them straight for approval if they pass through it.

This sounds and should be a good news that one has received since the covid took over!

The 12 institutes have been put forward and been requested by the ICMR to put in for fast track testing of the vaccine as it is one of the utmost important/ need of the hour priority projects which are being monitored and checked upon by the highest level of the government and service.

BBIL is working on a rain track day and night to meet the record of target. however the final outcome will depend on the cooperation of all testing/ trails of the sites involved in this operation, hoping it would succeed , is what the ICMR told the selected institutes which have been taken into consideration.

Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech has achieved and successfully developed Covaxin in hand in hand with the ICMR and National Institute of Virology (NIV). The SARS-CoV-2 strain was isolated in NIV, the private research and strain has put in a lot of effort and desired and yielded a better report at Pune and then transferred the final output to the Bharat Biotech.

The Drug Controller General of India– The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has allowed to start the process of the initiate of Phase I & II of Human clinical trials after the company has put forth the output generated from preclinical studies, while they demonstrated safety and showed up the immune response.

If the results and output would be the in favour of the humans and mankind, then their is a sight hope or a ray of hope, to find the cure/vaccine!

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