Isro (Indian Space Research Organization) – Are We Wasting Money Allocating to Them?

Isro rocket

Do we really need to allocate budget to Isro?

There are almost 88 million people below the poverty line in India. India is home to 46.6 million stunted children, a third of the world’s total as per the Global Nutrition Report 2018. Nearly half of all under-5 child mortality in India is attributable to undernutrition.

There is no proper food for people to eat in India, no proper drinking water in rural area’s and we are investing in bullet trains in India.

Now, India spends almost 10,000 crore’s in the budget of the Indian Space research Organization. Is this really necessary? Is This a waste of money? Why don’t we keep the same money in removing people from poverty, save children from malnutrition Etc?

Yes,It is neccessary.I will explain it why?

Satish Dhawan when he was a chairman of Isro of India. He used to take a salary of 1 Re and Isro continues this frugality even today. That’s the reason why Isro built a cost-effective satellite at 60% the cost and one-third of the time.

In 2020,Isro budget was allocated with Rs.13,479 Crore,Postal service budget is 14394 Crore’s,Subsidized ration budget is 1,15,569 Crore’s , Defence budget was 4,71,378 Crore’s. But, others are important and necessary. Why spend budget on Isro.

Nasa’s annual budget is 20 Billion Usd, India Isro’s budget is only 1.7 Billion Usd. But, Our scientists in Isro made wonder’s with the amount like
sending 104 satellites in a single rocket. Sending the smallest rocket created by rifath sharook – Kalam Satellite (World’s Lightest Satellite).

Mom(Mar’s orbiter mission) This was a milestone for Isro as we have successfully launched and kept our satellite in the orbit of Mars in the first attempt.
The best part of the mission is it was done only with a budget of 450 Crores.

Martian Movie budget was around 800 Crore’s and Gravity Movie was made with 644 crore’s or $100 million.

Isn’t that great? If the same amount(450 crores) is divided by the population of India. We spent only 4 Rs per person and now our Indian made satellite is revolving around mars and giving us valuable information about the “Red planet”. Maybe, one day this same satellite may help keep humans on the red planet.

Chandrayan 1 was also the first satellite who found out the presence of water on the moon.

Isro also has 14 satellites monitoring our neighboring countries like Pakistan, China,…etc and is planning to add 10 more satellites in near future. This helps us in viewing the activities of strategic locations. So, we can also act before the conflicts arise and become big.

We also know that Isro satellites helped us a lot in Iconic Surgical strike in Pakistan by India in 2016.

Isro is planning Gaganyan(which will send human’s into space), Aditya 1(To study the Sun), Nisar(partnership with Nasa for disaster management)

Nisar(Nasa-Isro synthetic Aperture Radar) will also be sent by Isro’s own made launch vehicle GSLV MK II From Indian soil in 2022.
This will also be the earth’s expensive imaging Satellite. Where the money is Nasa and the talent is India’s. Isn’t that spectacular.

Way back in the past Isro asked Nasa for the Geosynchronous Technology and they denied it. We Indian’s worked hard on that and created GSLV(Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) which will be the launch vehicle for Nisar. Isn’t that mind-blowing.

Isro also earned a total profit of Rs.5,600 Crore’s in three years with sending almost 300 plus satellites of other countries into Space.

These are all good. but,what do I get from this. Yes,you are enjoying the fruits of the Isro(Indian Space Research Organization).

Our satellites also help’s us in Disaster management.

Isro helped save around 10,000 villages,52 towns to be hit by Cyclone “Fani” and 11.5 Lakh people were safely evacuated as Isro was ready for people.

From Direct To Home (DTH) to Covid-19 crisis and Assistance to farmers through drought monitoring. Isro is helping us in our day-to-day lives.

Our Isro employee’s are our Real Hero’s who are working selflessly to make our lives better.

So, this post from team Crunchstories is dedicated to all the Hero’s working in Indian Space Research Organization and making our lives better.

There may be up’s and down’s in your journey. But, we are always with you. All We want to say is Thank You and All the best for future endeavor’s.

This post is dedicated to my Mother,who is also part of Isro Community.

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