Transgender is quite a debating gender and the media makes the most of it by having significant panel discussions.

For most countries, homosexuality is a mode of societal acceptance and normalcy. But for India, it was a bizarre verdict from the Supreme Court ruling in September 2018 that decriminalized homosexuality.

I don’t know why it was criminalised in the first place. I mean a lot of our actions have no logic; it’s just narrow and conservative beliefs and sentiments. Sometimes I feel the culture that glorifies India, is also responsible for making the world gawk at it.

Homosexuality is just a variation in the sexual function and nothing deviant. Nobody chooses their sexuality. Nobody chooses to be gay, lesbian or a transgender. It is as organic as it is to be a male or female.

Why would they need protection, if they are treated equally with the so-called “non – deviant” genders? Our evolution is gradually aligned towards the protection of certain sections of the human race. Tryna makes it extinct??

LGBT laws and this so famous section 377 have nothing to do with reality. Just for the sake of law books, to prove that India’s judiciary is open-minded. All their rights are at stake because society is not welcoming.

Basic things like education are compromised. If known at an early age, their childhood is definitely an emotional turmoil. Not just the fact that they will be made fun of, but also extremely unsafe.

To an extent comedy can be casual. But we cannot make it the way of expression or treatment against them. Do we have separate NGOs for normal men and women? Unless they are victims of crime, they are happy in the society.

Why NGOs for people entitled to LGBT rights? This is the food for thought of where we stand in terms of humanity. You aren’t doing any favor by treating them right. It is just portraying the respect and dignity you’d like to deserve.

Then comes the family members of these people whom we have categorised as LGBT. They start arguing that children get inspired from movies or other people around and get into feeling gay or lesbian. Its high time people realise that it’s not any external factor, but their internal hormonal functioning.

Irrespective of which gender or sexual variant one is, respect and happiness is what matters in the end. And if I’d get the chance to choose I’d choose to be happy out of all the existing options. This judgemental behavior is taking the form of temperament in society.

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