Mosquitoes Mostly Attracted for these Types of People


Sucking your blood is quite often for Mosquitoes. Female one’s are more dangerous and they only bite for blood to produce eggs. 

These types of blood sucking mosquitoes may attract the smell more than 100 feet away.

They are attracted to the carbon dioxide which we exhale. There are around 400 chemical compounds on human skin that could play a role to fascinate mosquitoes mainly lactic acid, uric acid, and Ammonia.

Here are three proven facts by scientists which attract mosquitoes from us…

1. Blood type ‘O’

It gets attracted to the smell of a potential blood source skin. Fun fact is the O blood group is not only the universal donor for humans but also for blood-sucking animals.  They are tasty for Mosquitoe and they land on people who belong to the O blood group double than type A people.

2. Beer Drinker

Drinking beer increases ethanol content in your sweat. They are easily tantalized by Ethanol. The more you drink beer the more you are captivated by mosquitoes.
Drinking other beverages will not get much attracted to this little fly.

3. Pregnancy

A sweating body is probably the pick for hungry mosquitoes. The higher your body temperature increases the easier these little insects will find you. The abdomens of pregnant women are 0.7% hotter.

These women leave much sweat on their skin surfaces. A large amount of carbon dioxide mixed with the rise of temperature makes these children carrying women a feast for mosquitoes.

These insects are also attracted to dark-colored things like wearing black clothes,  navy blue, and red. Adults are more affected than kids.

So,next time try to be careful with these blood sucking animals.

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