Music – Why do people listen to it for Hours

Ever wondered why we listen to music and why we are addicted to certain kinds of music. In today’s world mostly the youngsters we see that everyone is listening to music daily, the kind of music being secondary.

This is because we are habituated to do so. We are bored, we listen to music, happy yes we do, sad yes we do, celebration yes we do and in many more situations also. Here we are connecting ourselves to music through the emotions within us as well as reacting to the kind of situations we are put into. 

There are certain neurotransmitters in the cells of our body. Neurotransmitters are basically chemical messengers that transmit a message from the nerve cell across the synapse (are biological junctions through which neurons signals can be sent to each other) to a target cell.

So different neurotransmitters transmit elicit different effects. And a neurotransmitter called dopamine does the great work of transmission when it comes to effects.

The release of dopamine in particular is associated with pleasure, addiction and also fulfillment of needs.

So when we listen to music our body undergoes some changes and experiences them. our heart rate increases and we tend to get involved cause our brain is filled with dopamine. We humans are also addicted to the same kind of music and want to listen to the same repeatedly.

Under a study it was observed that subjects listened to their favourite music while scientists observed.

So it was observed and recorded that there was an increase in dopamine when the subjects were listening to the favourite parts of their music. And this is the reason why we keep listening to the music which we like on repeat mode.

It has not yet been proved under any studies that getting addicted to music is harmful in fact the release of Dopamine is essential for human survival and for ongoing happiness as it uplifts one’s personality and encourages humans.

So it is okay to be addicted to music and make sure you listen to it daily to motivate and boost yourself with positive energy.

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