Nirmal Purja makes history climbing the 14 tallest mountains in six months

nirmal pujra

 “Nims” has redefined the way these big mountains are climbed. he made history in mountaineering by scaling 8000-meter peaks in the shortest span of time of 190 days.

 “Nims” Purja MBE is a Nepalese mountaineer and former Gurkha and soldier of the Special Boat Service, an elite special forces unit of the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy always quote “never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.”

purja’s final list of Shishapangma in china snatched away the record from south Korean climber Kim chang ho.

Purja’s Climbing Record:

Annapurna I (8,091m), Dhaulagiri I (8,167m), Kanchenjunga (8,586), Mount Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu in May.

In the following month, he scaled Nanga Parbat (8,126m), Gasherbrum I (8,080m), Gasherbrum II (8,036m), Broad Peak (8,051) and K2 (8,611m), Manaslu (8,163m), Cho Oyu (8,188m) shishapangma at 8027m, in china, was the last among Purja’s list.

He shares his experience for not chasing the record, not as a challenge, indeed he says if one has immense belief send out a message that, if you put your heart, mind, and soul into it, you can achieve the impossible!

Purja was the first Nepalese to make it into elite forces as Gurkha soldier, followed by UK’s navy special boat service.

He started his journey of mountaineering in 2012, his experiences from being a soldier and the strong mindset has uplifted his visions come true, despite the terrible challenges, he says life has changed him in many ways and today this man of honor Nirmal Purja celebrates his victory and is been a glory to the sport of mountaineering.

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