OvErThInKiNg is more or less like a non-compulsive OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). There must be a few wondering why the hell did I write the word over thinking in random casing. Well, it was just to get you thinking 😉
Well I am here to say that over thinking is not cool. Excuses no longer can play games because over thinking isn’t something forced, it’s definitely innate.
You have an interview today and you screw it. Obviously! Because you spent the whole night damn thinking about how is it gonna go. You just lost your precious sleep and eventually the ability to concentrate. How did it help?
Over thinking and ruminating over petty things is okay to an extent. But as you get habituated to it, even simple decisions like what to wear for a party, becomes a life and death issue. Level 1 of over thinking is as normal as cold and cough. All of us have it in minute percentage. It all comes down to how to stay in control.
Let’s go back to some nerdy talks…
Scientifically, there is actually a neurological condition called Analysis paralysis. It is the failure of the frontal lobe and its ability of problem – solving. Ironically, the cerebellum is responsible for outshining the quality of over thinking. There is this unresolved conflict between the frontal lobe and the cerebellum on having an influence over one’s thoughts and feelings.
Some relatable stuff?
Most of the over thinkers right now, will be able to relate to this. When there are constant thoughts running on your mind, you fail at analysing situations. You don’t like getting interrupted with your thoughts. Anything told to you at such moments is just a lost cause. We’ll have no count on the number of Jumanji levels we play in our head. Forget ignorance and negligence, they take a toll over your mental health and this time you would be responsible for it (no breakups and no messed up career will come in way now).
Well we teenagers often contemplate and over think about things that are out of our reach and action. We worry about the future (god knows if there is a tomorrow), we sit and break our heads about who all smoked weed in the bollywood and we made our own possible plots. We don’t even use half of that time in doing something productive. I mean what can we do people?? We think for a whole day and yet can do nothing about it.
Everybody is well aware of the ill effects of over-thinking. I don’t want to stress upon that. But you should be aware, that not every question that you have, need to have an answer. And not every answer has to have an explanation.
Everybody is a black magician
It might sound mythological, superstitious or maybe even a hoax, but our thoughts shell out an aura, which is like a boomerang. People in our vicinity can experience that. We often hear people saying, I like his/her VIBE. This is it.
So over thinking is 99% negative, we don’t have sleepless nights about how beautiful our life is. It’s definitely worry and repetitive thinking about why it happened that way or what will happen. They give you this negative vibe, which will again get you over thinking about it. Hope you are getting, where I am trying to take you. It’s a never-ending cycle.
It just stresses you out. You think you have it in control, but unconsciously you go overboard by replaying the same scenes and scenarios. You tend to slip into hyper-ventilating mode, being very confused yourself.
I know that it is not easy in reality. But isn’t it our responsibility to restore and emend our lives. It isn’t rocket science, just vigilance and whole-hearted effort will do.
Maybe a few Do’s and Don’ts can help you getting in the right place.
1) Have zero expectations on people.
If you feel like doing something, do out of compassion. Don’t expect a reciprocal from the other party. Everybody has got their own perseverance.
2) Don’t dwell in the past
What has happened has happened for a reason. You can call it the butterfly effect. You might be happy now for a few things in your life, it could be because that thing happened in the past. Constant thinking about it won’t change a percent about how you are feeling.
3) Your narration is in your hands
Your story and your incidents have 2 narrations. Choosing the positive one is in your hands, which will make you feel better, every time you think of it. Now Charles Horton Cooley is gonna blow your mind for a moment. He wrote, “I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am”.
He just exaggerated the fact that how dynamic one’s life is and hence your narration cannot be static.
4) You are master of your emotions and nothing else!
You can only control feelings, the way you react and the way you receive things. You cannot let your emotions over power you. Things that are not in your vicinity of action are meant to be forsaken from your thoughts. Most importantly you cannot control other’s lives.
5) Knock back into consciousness
Always embrace the present. Today is the past of tomorrow. If you can’t enjoy it today, you’ll end up worrying tomorrow.
6) Always address yourself in a third person
When you are in a conflict between your mind and heart, it is always ideal to introspect it in a third person tone. You will be able to differentiate between fear and intuition; right and wrong; what you want and what you thought you wanted.
7) Self hypnosis is the key
You have a lot of resources to rely upon. But there’s no help greater than self-help. You got to extract motivation from your inner self.
One of the English proverbs rightly suits the context.
“Over thinking is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere”
I urge everyone to strongly imbibe the art of let go. The thoughts that are devoid of hope, have to be deleted permanently (shift + delete). Nothing is gonna worry you more than your thoughts, so make sure they are doing well to you.
Following the path of over thinking, I am pretty sure you will not like the destination. Now the ball is in your court. Choose wisely. You only live once.
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