Pomodoro Technique: Getting the stuff done is very hard, The popular time management technique can help you to power through distractions, hyper focus and also getting things done in short bursts while taking frequent breaks. Best of all, it’s easy. Even if you have a busy job where you’re expected to produce, It’s also a great way to get to tasks.
Let’s break it down and see how we can apply to your work.
What is this Pomodoro Technique?
This was invented in the early 1990’s by developer and entrepreneur and author Francesco Cirillo. Named it Pomodoro after the tomato-shaped timer.
When you face with a gigantic task or series of tasks, break the work in to short, timed intervals (called Pomodoros) that should be spaced out by brief intervals.
This also trains your brain to focus for brief periods of time and also helps you to stay on your dead lines.
This is also the simplest productivity techniques out there. All you need is a timer. No need of apps, books etc.
let’s get started:
1: First, choose a task to be accomplished.
2: Set the Pomodoro to 25 Minutes (Timer is Pomodoro)
3: Work on the tasks until pomodoro rings, put a check on paper.
4: Take a short break (5 Minutes is fine)
5: Every 4 Pomodoro take a longer break.
You can take a longer break for 15-30 minutes, whatever it takes to make you feel recharged and also ready to start another 25 minute work session and you actually get a lot accomplished.
It’s also important to note that a pomodoro is an invisible unit of work.
You should not be distracted with other things like co-leaques, or just postpone the distractions you have.
Follow this:
1: Inform the other party you’re working on something right now.
2: Negotiate a time when you can get back to them.
3: Schedule that follow up immediately.
4: Call back the other party, your Pomodoro is complete and you are ready for them.
This increases your productivity time with breaks and also you focus on one thing and complete the work. So, Plan out things and try Pomodoro Technique.
I tried it, and it was very productive. If you got any positive results, please inform us in the comments section.
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