Sex education in India

Sex education in india

Parents or Teachers in India when asked about the feelings, sex, good or bad touch will give a reply like, “you’ll know eventually” or they simply avoid it.

Though sex education is not encouraged by all the countries, the countries which have sex education in their education pattern have got some good results in controlling the crime rate and sexual abuse issues on children.

Talking about India, we have zero importance for sex education. And most shockingly it is recorded that 53% of sexual abuse cases victims are children in India. This is just because of a lack of knowledge between good and bad touch.

We see around 93 rape cases a day in India; we feel sorry for the victim; we pray for their recovery, we protest on Instagram and twitter for justice, but we don’t feel comfortable to speak out in public about such issues.

But trust me, these social media fights are not going to give us a solution. If you really care about the victims, then just try to speak out with your children about what had happened and prepare them to face and fight it.

Leaving the current scenario, the new education policy had good stuff to talk and children from now will have more practical exposure.

These changes were being asked for many years, and sex education was also a part of the demand. Like every other important issue, sex education again was not prioritized in our country.

It is shocking that no politician cares about it. Educating children from an early age about emotions and feelings would give us good results in controlling the crime rate rather than just filling the children about biological factors in just one class.

That one class is also a tough one for teachers to explain. Feeling shy to teach about one chapter is not the teacher’s fault, but it’s our education system. We have waited to see the NEP for years, but adding sex education to it is much more important.

Talking about the sexual abuse and rape cases in India, we found the worst cases in lockdown too. 17-year-old girl raped, killed, and thrown naked on a rail track, 7-year-old Naima was gang-raped and killed, Two women hid in a forest over a month, and what else we need to see?

Same as India, China didn’t give importance to sex education and as a result, we saw that a couple in 2011 laid beside each other for 3 years to get children.

This tells us how important is to educate children about physical contact and relations from an early age and also to control the crime rate. Of course this not going to change the current situation overnight but to get good results someday it has to be started and the change will come, eventually.

Days to feel shy to talk about sex or any relations have gone, and it is the time to speak out and come out of our comfort zones.

Expecting a woman to work in this corporate world after rising her in a safety locker is a lame concept. Expecting a woman to fight against society after rising her in a room is not fair.

Expecting a woman to be independent, from the next moment from her marriage is also not helping anyone after rising her as an introvert.

Countries like New Zealand, Indonesia, Netherland were successful in educating their children in these aspects.

Many NGO’s like Youth Against Rape, are fighting for these changes in the National Education Policy .

Let us support them, we may not get this change overnight but let us try to be a part of it.

Youth Against Rape demand death penalty for rapists on conviction and 14years of imprisonment for false allegations. Apart from this, their demands also include sex education, forensic labs, shifting rape cases to fast track courts, victim and witness protection program, rethinking on a mercy petition, and permission to do awareness program in institutes.

It has also started a petition on 16th August 2019 so that their demands can be made into amendments, which as of now have already been signed by 721k people and their target was to get 1 crore signatures.

Hope the NGOs like Youth Against Rape will get their demands soon for safe India.

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