Singapore Fighting the Deadly Dengue Virus by creating Good Mosquitoes in a Factory.


Mosquitoes mosquitoes. Your instant reaction would be how to get rid of them or kill them to avoid contact with them but guess what people in Singapore do.

In Singapore, they create mosquitoes and let them fly freely in the millions. But why are they doing this and what is the benefit they gain from creating mosquitoes and setting them free?

So basically, in Singapore, they create mosquitoes to fight mosquitoes. Yes, you read it right.

Mosquitoes are very dangerous especially the female mosquitoes as they carry the Dengue virus and one bite from the female mosquito can cause Dengue which has high chances of death too.

It is observed that 50 to 500 million people get affected by dengue every year and from mosquito bites and 10 – 20 thousand people die every year.

So, to eradicate dengue causing mosquitoes we need to kill them but that isn’t an easy task as they are very hard to find. Then came a team of researchers in Singapore with an idea of “What if we stop mosquitoes from having babies?”.

From there began the creation of a good mosquito that is strong and so strong that it can go out and find out all the bad mosquitoes and stop them from having babies. These mosquitoes are grown in a nursing home and don’t hurt nor bite the humans. And when the good mosquito comes in contact with the bad mosquito it does not let the bad mosquito have babies.

So that’s how this idea works which means no new babies from the bad mosquitoes are born resulting in no bad mosquitoes at all.

So this team of researchers from Singapore created millions of these good mosquitoes and with the help of mosquito guns blasted them into open-air including rooftops, neighborhoods, and gardens, and everywhere possible where mosquitoes live.

Then what happened? The good mosquitoes mated with the bad mosquitoes and the bad mosquitoes after mating has become incapable of reproducing. And as time passes all these good and bad mosquitoes die naturally without producing any babies.

Literally, this is how Singapore is fighting the Dengue virus. After this team of researchers implemented the idea of creating and releasing good mosquitoes in the open air to mate with bad mosquitoes the Dengue mosquitoes have significantly dropped by more than 90% in Singapore and saved all the residents from the threat of being affected by Dengue.

The idea of creating good mosquitoes has become so successful that they are opening a Mosquito Factory in Singapore just to fight the deadly virus Dengue. And the factory which is being created is so advanced that it can create tens of thousands of good mosquitoes every single day.

Kudos to the creativity of the team of researchers who came up with a smart way to fight Dengue.

Also taking into consideration whoever said love kills is absolutely right so bad mosquitoes get ready to fall in love and to die by the good mosquitoes.

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