Step-By-Step Guidance for Blogging as a Beginner

Blogging Career (1)

Over time, blogging has transformed from an interesting passion to a full-time profession. All thanks to easy access to the internet for everyone. Blogs have become a great source to consume content, they help us find information in any domain we are looking for.

Is blogging your passion? Are you someone who can express your thoughts better through writing? If you have YES as an answer to these questions, then get ready to embrace the journey of “Blogging”. 

To become a blogger, or write guest blogs, or write a structural draft, in the beginning, it is completely common to often wonder “How to write a good blog”?  

In this article, a step-by-step guide including all the tips and tricks to write an informative piece from scratch has been explained. 

Below mentioned are 10 trips that will help you write a beginner on how to write a good blog

1. Pick The Right Topic

To write a good blog, the first step is to choose the right topic.

You can pick a topic in your niche of interest, current affairs, or any domain. It is important to choose a topic you have a good understanding of and you will be able to justify in which you can pass down the right information to your audience.

2. Research

After you decide on the topic, read similar articles on it. There’s a high chance that there are already many articles on the internet. Read similar articles and evaluate expert opinion, pros, cons and write about it in your own way and make your work stand out. You don’t need to be an expert on the topic you choose to write about. But proper research on it will give you a good advantage. Read-alike articles but do not copy them.

3. Know Your Audience

When you are writing a blog, know your target audience. After your research, try to understand what your target traffic is looking for and satisfy their needs with your blog.

Writing a blog on a topic just because it is popular among your audience may not do good. Instead, try to provide more unknown information, suggestions, pros-cons, etc. This can give your target viewers a large and useful insight into the topic they are looking for.

4. Use SEO Friendly Title and Keywords

When you are just starting, just a minimum knowledge of SEO will give you an advantage. 

Using an eye-catchy and short title with the right usage of words will pull the audience to see and love your work. Using keywords in your title and blog will help reach your blog to a wide range of audiences. 

5. Organise Your Points

After all the research, you might have a lot of points in your bag. But remember to cut them down and keep only important, useful, and informative pointers.

Write a good introduction that will hook your readers to the blog. Writing a good introduction and a clear conclusion will most certainly fetch you brownie points. Divide the blog into different sections, paragraphs for a better representation. Use examples, case studies quotes to make the blog interesting.

6. Draft You Blog

With all the above tasks done, you can now draft an outline of your work. 

When you do this, you will get an idea of what needs to be added, excluded, or shortened. You can always do a little more research at this point to add some examples, fill the gaps you left out earlier, and write the blog. With this, you will have most of your blog done.

7. Add Visuals

You may have written an exceptional blog but adding images can make it look a lot better and interesting for readers as pictures tell a story in themselves. Remember not to crowd your blog with images. But minimal and appropriate images can add a lot of weight to making your blog an appreciable one. 

8. Grammer Check

It is quite natural to make mistakes unknowingly. This one step is essential to remember because writing an error-free blog is primary and important. Go through your blog several times to see if there are any mistakes. You can take the help of  Grammarly which will help you in drafting a mistake-free good blog. It will also help you understand the tone of the blog.

9. Plagiarism Check

Plagiarism is regarded as a felony in the field of writing. Remember to never copy one’s writing. Work on your own to make your mark. You can run a plagiarism check on your own writing to keep check for plagiarism by using Plagiarism Checker | 100% Free and Accurate –

10. Proofread Your Blog

In the end, never forget to give a final read on your blog. This will help you see minor mistakes and make them right as there is always room for improvement.

Numerous other points can help in writing a good blog. Every step has its own importance. But these are some basic yet major steps that can help you write a good blog. Increased use of technology and the development of various tools can make your work easy. But remember to never lose the authenticity of your writing. With the right plan, writing a good blog isn’t that hard as it seems.

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