Have you ever heard about it? Yes, this will be a tremendous revolutionary step taken by any country. Forget about the rooftop solar panels installation, Solar paved roads are all new trending now. We can also expect that solar paved roads are the future.
Earlier land acquisition was the major problem many governments faced to take up solar projects. But now, all our roads can turn to Solar roads in coming future. Though these roads will cost us higher than the blacktop or CC roads, the land acquisition budget can compensate for the additional cost to an extent.
Coming to the track of Solar Paved roads, the Netherlands took their chances and successfully laid a 70m long Solar Paved road in 2014. Following the Netherlands, many powerful countries like the USA and China are laying these roads.
Though there are many criticisms made on its ability to produce more energy, many countries are investing more revenue in it. Let us hope for the best results for the solar industry as it the most efficient, convenient, and harmless power generator.

Solar Paved roads aren’t so terrible ideas to invest in further practices as it can give us maximum benefits in coming future. These need no land acquisition, can be executed quickly when compared to huge solar projects. Many companies are coming with an idea to lay the solar pathways too as the solar paved roads have many problems practically.

Many experts are also coming up with ideas like solar panels in the public parking areas. This can save the huge natural resources if implemented and followed.
Apart from solar roads, many companies are coming with customized solar panel skins which suit your rooftops easily to get the public interest in solar energy. How far it can go more? We are getting exactly what we need. Taking the village Banjerupalli in Telangana state as an example let us educate the public towards solar energy, let us kill all the myths for a better future.