The Two Child Policy proposed by Uttar pradesh Government

Two child policy

Uttar pradesh is coming up with new two child policy to tackle the population problem. Population explosion, a term that is very sensitive and significant. It refers to when a country is significantly over populated leading to several problems ranging from dearth (Scarcity) of resources, unemployment, gripping poverty and so on and so forth. As of now, China is the most populous place and the condition of population is very poor in India. India is among the most populous countries and is expected to cross China soon. 

Population control, family planning is very necessary here. The dearth of resources and many problems is not conducive to the future growth of the country. 

In the light of these issues, the Uttar Pradesh Government, under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath, member of Bhartiya Janata Party, proposed a bill. The Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilization and Welfare) Bill, 2021 which aims at population control and public welfare.

The Commission has also sought recommendations for changes to be made in the draft which can be sent via email or post by July 19. This was also proposed for two more states, Assam and North Eastern India as well. 

Uttar Pradesh is a home to over 200 million population and it’s the most populous state in India, thus the necessity. 

There’s no compulsion for someone to stick to this. It is completely voluntary. Although, there are some more likely benefits for those who choose to abide by it. The ones who abide by the two child policy will have access to a lot of welfare schemes from the government, incentives during maternity, incentives in salary, allowances, and also a three percent raise in employers contribution fund under National pension scheme.

There will be incentives also if one parent voluntary sterilisation. For those who do not adopt two child policy schemes. They will face restrictions in Government jobs, ration benefits, subsidies, promotions. 

The States will have awareness and sensitize people and distribution of contraceptives and many things in primary healthcare centres. 

On one side the policy is very progressive but when into politics it has a lot of opposition. The population of Uttar Pradesh is not very progressive and it might not work in the patriarchal structure because people can illegally detect the sex of the child leading to abortion and abuses.

There is much opposition also because UP has a considerable amount of Muslim population who has lot many offspring which is believed to create a Muslim majority. Still, aside from all those, only time will bear the outcome of this act. It is a great step to control population and also to raise awareness about family planning with the help of incentives by the government. 

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