Two Women hid in a Forest over a month, Why?

two women hid in a forest For a Month After Being Confined, Beaten & Raped

Okay! What you are going to read now is way too disgusting. What made the two women to hid in a forest over a month that too at the time of lockdown period? I don’t want to mention the area where the incident has happened because I don’t want this issue to be cornered for one state. So consider this issue has happened in India and every government is accountable for these kinds of issues.

Okay now, let us get to the point. There is an industry where the workers are mostly from villages. The workers here have a contract of a monthly payment of Rs. 9,000/-. But the truth is the management is paying only Rs. 200/- per week to them. And the workers have no off shifts and they have to work for straight 15 hours a day for just Rs. 200/- per week.

In October two women ran away into a forest not so far from the factory as they are not able to work in that hell. However, the two women were hunted back and warned to rape them, if they try to escape next time.

Again in May this year, the same two women were raped by two men in the empty factory, as no other workers were there as the lockdown has been implemented. They were beaten up by two men very badly and finally, the two women again ran away to the forest. Only reached out to nearby villages to beg food some times.

Finally, in June, the two women reach out to the police station nearby and the lawyer of the two women stated that the police didn’t register the case when the two women directly approached them. However, they have filed a FIR against the two men and further investigation is going on. We are in the 21st century talking about the colonies at planet mars, we speak for artificial intelligence while some people still have basic sense and ethics here.

The government can control the 130 crores of the population in the time of pandemic and why can’t they make tough rules on the issues like these. They can give 10% of GDP as a special budget, then why can’t they spent some on the safety for women? I wonder.


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