TASTY DRIPS one of the best food bloggers of Hyderabad who also got featured in the bloggers magazine of Hyderabad. Cheers to that.
From one normal regular foodie to a food blogger holding 15k+ followers on Instagram, Vasanthi Singampalli has achieved a lot more in the span of 2 years through her hard work and commitment.

She has maintained a complete balance between her personal profession and blogging profession. In her ongoing talk with crunch stories, she has clarified about the situations and circumstances that would be useful for the individuals who put their enthusiasm towards blogging .
Vasanthi singampalli began food blogging in view of her adoration for food. She used to go out a great deal, investigate places and attempt a ton of food, click pictures, and post it for her own. Two of her friends recommended her to begin a page, yet she never paid attention to it as well. One day when she was checking her photo gallery, all she had was food pictures. At that point, she got this idea, which is random, to have a committed food page.

Food blogging is a passion both about food and also about discovering a dish that can tickle not only your tummy but also your tongue. It took 20 months for her to gain 10k followers on her Instagram. she said, “Starting a page is easy, but sticking to it and maintaining it is not as easy as it seems.
In the initial days, I didn’t stress too much over my Instagram account, because I felt it doesn’t need to be perfect. Didn’t feel pressured to post everyday or to take the absolute perfect photo. My first insta post had terrible lighting, horrendous editing and composition (but yummy ice cream for sure). I was hardly getting any likes.
Likewise, for the next couple of months, my posts did not do too much better. But I didn’t get discouraged and never stopped posting content”.

Speaking of criticism she gracefully said “ Putting yourself and your work on a public platform is often very intimidating. You are making yourself susceptible to the opinions, likes and dislikes of an unpredictable audience.
Now it is obvious that you would not be able to please everybody. There would also be people who would provide constructive criticism. You need to differentiate between positive and negative criticism and use it to grow”.
Vasanthi singampalli made numerous new connections and great networking through this blogging, which she considers as a best thing happen to her through blogging.

She said, “Generally, people have this misconception that Free food is a privilege for Bloggers or Influencers. First off, when we say free stuff it might sound super appealing but you have to keep in mind that it is not free at all! When a new restaurant opens or when an existing restaurant launches a new menu, they will want genuine feedback and publicity for their food, so that they can improve on their food and reach a larger audience.
So, it’s highly impossible to share feedback without tasting the food. As a food influencer, after having a meal, you will have to put in a large amount of time writing the post, shooting the food, editing the photos, editing it and promoting it. (We understand that pain)
This should show you how much work goes into this so-called Free meal. So people should keep that in mind when calling these items Free because in reality they really aren’t.
When she was asked about her feeling towards food blogging privileges. And finally she mentioned, “All my followers are my support system. Thank you so much for following and supporting me!! I love you guys!!

On the event of her birthday team crunch stories thank her and would take a delight of publishing an article on her story of food blogging and wish her an upbeat birthday and loads of wins ahead.
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Hi madam, I am Akhil Nalam, I am the Owner of the M-grill Resutarent, Recently we started the Resutarent at SR Nagar then we Planning for another 9 Resutarent in Hyderabad and we Requested to visit my Resutarent and njoy my Delicious food and ambience…..