What is Black Fungus? Mucormycosis Infection Symptoms and Prevention

black fungus

With the surge of Covid-19 cases in India, we are also observing a rise in another deadly infection spreading rapidly after COVID-19 treatment in some cases. This newly discovered ‘fungal infection’ in the COVID-19 recovered patients is known as Mucormycosis or Black fungus. 

This is a rare and deadly infection which occurs due to a pre-existing illness, weakness after COVID-19 recovery and other comorbidities. This is highly infecting the diabetes patients who were given steroids during their COVID-19 treatment, as stated by AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria on Saturday.

So far, 200 cases of this infection have been reported in metro cities like Delhi, Pune and Ahmedabad and has been a cause of fatality for the patients. This infection’s fatality rate has now risen to 80% and is increasing. If not treated well at the right moment, it can take up a deadly form for the patients.

The root cause behind this infection is the mold groups of black fungus which are present anywhere in the environment- from soil to even your food. “But they are of low virulence and rarely cause infection”, said Guleria.

He also emphasised on keeping a check on the giving steroids to the COVID-19 patients and warned not to misuse them as it can have risky outcomes for the patients. Patients who were given immunomodulatory drugs like Tocilizumab and immunosuppression of steroids can cause a high risk of getting infected by Black fungus disease.

Symptoms of Mucormycosis (or) Black Fungus:

Sinus and Brain:

  1. Headache 
  2. Nasal or sinus congestion 
  3. Fever
  4. Distorted vision
  5. Loss of teeth or jaws
  6. Swelling on one side of the face


  1. Ulcers
  2. Excessive redness
  3. Pain and swelling around the wound
  4. Blackish infected area


  1. Breathing Difficulty and shortness 
  2. Cough and fever
  3. Chest pain

Gastrointestinal Mucormycosis:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Pain in abdomen
  3. Gastrointestinal bleeding

How to prevent Mucormycosis (or) Black Fungus?

  1. Gargling regularly can be very effective.
  2. Giving steroids to patients judiciously and under a physician’s supervision.
  3. Diabetes patients should be highly taken care of and their blood glucose level should be strictly controlled and kept in check.
  4. Keeping cleanliness around the patient is a must. The patients should be provided with clean drinking water.
  5. Any oral ulcer should be treated immediately.

The Centre has also issued advisory on management and treatment on Mucormycosis. Do not ignore these symptoms in a COVID-19 recovered patient and leave this untreated. Stay safe!

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