Around 203 people went missing in Telangana State. The major cases have registered in and around the capital Hyderabad. The missing cases have been increasing in Telangana State every year. In the year 2016, 16,134 persons including children have gone missing in Telangana State and 67% have been solved. Later in the year 2018, Telangana State recorded 540 missing cases in the span of just 10 days (June 1st to June 10th).
And now Telangana State recorded 203 missing cases in the span of just 4 days, i.e., 65 cases on 26th, 62 cases on 27th, 65 cases on 28th, and 11 cases on 29th of October, 2020. The statistics are not at an alarming stage If compared to the past data but huge cases registering in just 4 days is a serious matter to be concerned about.
Though the Telangana State Police have been tracing 85% of the cases, the remaining are being unsolved. Telangana State Police are yet to solve around 3,418 missing cases from last year and 1,282 missing cases this year. Officials have stated that most of the missing people are minors and women.
Though the Telangana State Police are successful in tracing the maximum of the people, the reason behind these missing cases is been a mystery to them. Random missing cases have been everywhere in the country, but registering a huge number of missing cases only in very fewer days has been a big problem for the Telangana State Police.
However, Telangana State Police have been requesting people not to share such news and at the same time, they have officially stated that they have traced 222 missing cases out of 540 missing cases registered in the year 2018.
Originally tweeted by DGP TELANGANA POLICE (@TelanganaDGP) on June 11, 2019.
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