5 iron-rich foods you must include in your diet

iron rich foods

Iron is one of the most important minerals that your body needs daily. Iron carries oxygen in the hemoglobin of RBCs to help the cells in energy production in the entire body. The iron in your body gets absorbed by the upper part of the small intestine.

Iron additionally helps eliminate carbon dioxide. Severe iron deficiency leads to anaemia in which your body lacks sufficient healthy Red Blood Cells to convey oxygen proficiently throughout your body. Anaemia makes you feel inadequate, tired and weak. 

At the point when levels of iron are low, weariness, fatigue and trouble keeping up with internal heat level frequently result. 

So how to keep up with the iron levels in your body? Read the article till the end to learn about 5 iron-rich foods you must include in your diet.

  1. Spinach– Spinach is a great green leafy vegetable popularly eaten to fulfil iron requirements of the body. 100g of spinach contains 2.7mg of iron. Spinach also acts as a bank of Vitamin C which can boost iron absorption level in the body. Spinach is also rich in antioxidants called carotenoids, which may reduce your risk of cancer, decrease inflammation, and protect your eyes from disease.
  2. Lentils– Legume is no new name in the list of food items with healthy contents. From breakfast recipes to salads, one cup of lentils can provide 6.59mg of iron which makes it a perfect source for this mineral.
  3. Quinoa– Quinoa is a bank of iron. It contains 2.8mg of iron, 39.41g of carbohydrates and 8g of protein, along with potassium and magnesium content. Quinoa is a strongly advised pseudo grain for weight loss as it is also gluten-free. You can stuff it in a vegetable salad and porridge or you can pair up quinoa with oatmeal for a quick breakfast.
  4. Pumpkin seeds– Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of iron with 2.7mg of iron in only 1-ounce of serving. Pumpkin seeds can be added in homemade bread and muffins or as a topping on your breakfast cereal, salad in lunch or dessert in dinner.
  5. Dark Chocolate– Dark Chocolate (85% cocoa) contains 3.4mg of iron per 1oz square. Dark chocolate is not only healthy but also, mouth-watering in taste. It is also rich in copper and magnesium with 56 and 15 percent, respectively. Dark chocolate contains high fiber and good fats. It is recommended to consume dark chocolate 4-5 times a week for a healthy heart and brain. Ensure that the bar you choose contains a minimum of 70% cocoa.

In conclusion, it is necessary to indulge in foods with high-iron content daily. Iron is an important mineral that must be consumed regularly as your body cannot produce it on its own. We also advise our readers to keep a check on their iron intake and foods rich in heme iron.

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