Kedarnath Temple Reopens

Faith is the only antidote we’ve with us, to face strong, and to vanquish the pain and uncertainties crammed in our hearts because of the situations happening all around the globe.

Each incident is more or less connected with nature, from the worldwide pandemic, to the deaths of the individuals irrespective of their age, caste or creed.

All these uncertain disasters are making us believe that life is far deeper than we believe it to be. But folks we’ve to remain strong and have faith in the saying “Nature will find its way to bring everything back to normal.

We all know the terrible incident of Kedarnath temple (2013) was thanks to the heavy rains and the river Mandakini’s wrath which turned the gorgeous Himalayan city of Uttarakhand flooded with water everywhere.

 For 3 long days, all the temples and nearby villages were completely submerged with water.

All the debris which incorporates soil, stones, mud was spread everywhere.

There was complete chaos. Amidst this confusion, an enormous rock – 22 feet wide and 12 feet tall was administered and was anchored on the rear side of the temple shrine which stopped the water flow but destroying the shrine of Kedarnath because of the diversion of the water.

The temple authorities and the government were helping the people and also trying to assist their citizens to form their life better.

It took a year for everything to return to normal. They reopened the temple with an equivalent amount of hope as before, even though they faced a lot of pain and hardships.

The rock which partially led to the destruction of this holy place was also coined as a part of the pilgrimage and was named as “BHIMA SHILA” or “DIVINE ROCK OF BHIMA

To date people do worship, and we are definitely living life with tons of uncertainties, but we all shall triumph on these disasters and have faith that soon, we will have a gorgeous life ahead.

The key is patience.

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